Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

this isn’t really true though, while scrolls are the method of learning new magics used in the war seas, the seven seas still uses mutations since they aren’t as advanced in magic and haven’t found out how to use scrolls yet

honestly i think one could even argue the opposite, that scrolls are a better showcase of skill than mutations, as they are learnt through studying and figuring out how to shape your magic into the specific effect described on the paper, while mutations are just gotten from being strong and going through a hard trial

i see one as skill and the other as raw strength in their methods for obtaining new magics

Hmm, yeah, I suppose that works too. Though, mutations and the og concept of magic being tied to your character’s personality does make it feel a little more personal and representative of a character itself… but I guess that can still extend to magic scrolls as well. It was done in Frieren really well

It all goes down to execution.

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i think with the high amount of rare, lost, and ancient spells planned that later down the line magics will actually be more unique than in arcane adventures, when they all had the same 6 kind of moves just with different variations

yea, when magic scrolls are added i hope they don’t function just like spell scrolls where you click it and instantly learn it, it would be nice if they had some sort of quest attached to them that you had to complete before you could learn the magic

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Actually that would be so cool. Imagine you get an Inferno scroll or something then you have to complete the “Trial of Inferno” or whatever and fight a boss or locate a reagent on a dangerous island or something.

genshin ascension mechanic…

You need materials for:

  • To be able to use it (alas you synchronize with magic)
  • Increase available skill slots from 2 to 8
  • Increase max tiers FOR EACH SLOT from 1 to 5 (or however much tiers there are)
  • To buff it stats (mastering)

As someone who loves EGO manifestation from Project Moon’s universe, I’d like mutations more.

Gaining a large power from an emotional arc’s climax is far cooler than a scroll

maybe at some point in the story you could get a way to awaken your latent god power’s thing. possibly even you could choose which god, but thats based on my theory that the aa character is a legacy of several different gods (closer to E.G.O., besides cooler than just getting a new magic)

yeah because reading some soggy paper is leagues harder than having centuries of experience to shape yourself, morph yourself through tragedies and happy moments

its so over…

Do you guys remember when 80% of all planned magics were fire or lightning variants

womp womp

granted this was from a few months ago and mutations are still mentioned in the revised lore doc so maybe he decided to keep them in :person_shrugging:

so mutation just got fcked completely huh…

wait this means that i can now steal it for my own stuffs :smiley:

Potentially, though he hasn’t gotten to rewriting the section of AA much. Given that there’s notes placed on the ends of the paragraphs/passages. .

Heck the Third Sea onwards still has the speculation of events as well. .

We’ll have to see.


how does he think the size is balanced bro


balance team i-
sees patch note
love you!!!

(this isn’t balancing, this is just bug fixing)

guys funny idea
I made an entire mutation system but it never got suggested
check it out:
When you get a magic scroll, instead of a “lost” or “ancient” scroll, It’ll just be called a(n) “(insert magic here)” scroll. These scrolls are for one of these trees: fire, lightning, light, shadow, ice, water, explosion, wood, glass, or wind. It would give you one “point” in that category, and you use the point to invest in one magic. For example, if you get a fire scroll, you could invest it in sun or flare magic. If you pick flare and then get another fire scroll, you could choose between phoenix and inferno, but if you decided sun, you could invest in inferno and scorch, and so on. The ui would look the same as choosing dodge reflexes, but it would show you the tree chart underneath the option(s).
also you don’t need a magic to start their tree (if you had fire, for example, you could still use the glass tree)

who here thinks this should be added
also if you have suggestor privileges please submit this
since flash magic is now canon, you can get it from evolving light