Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


He better have fixed thermo imbue giving 0 speed, currently it does nothing except kill your damage and size with no benifit.

It’s a coin flip on whether or not vetex fixed an issue regarding fs

seems like an issue regarding like every speed imbue right now so maybe already fixed

Il admit I haven’t played the update as of yet, but on the nimbus release update magic imbue worked on all skills, whilst thermo imbue specifically did nothing. Did the same thing happen to all imbues when mistral released?

i play light conj and on every weapon skill that is not supposed to be on the weapon it is on the speed affinity is inversed, so i have the slowest imbue now. so yea


it’s funny how there are dialogue options where the MC technically doesn’t know what morden’s and neviro’s names are until some other character calls them by their name

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“Ah yes. It’s you again. Man.”
“My name is…”
“Yes. Man. It’s nice to see you again. Man.”

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“Woah, you’re very smart, guy!”
“… please just call m-”
“Yeah, of course I will call you later, guy. I still have to find out where these people that attacked Beringer went.”


My friend actually said yesterday “I think lorewise I just perfectly guessed Morden’s name and acted as If I always knew it”

what’s even funnier is that there’s also an option where you don’t know your own name


ik this was posted guys but i cant stress this out enough, not only this reverse the plunderer nerf so a full m1 combo can deal 1.2K+ dmg, but it buffs so it prob can reach 1.5K or even more dmg, u can insta kill people, if they have a long endlag they die and if u go near them, they die

and this isnt the non-tester balance team fault, its the tester fault, literally meta answer to this was to increase the reload time like bruh

it’ll be fine
don’t worry about it that much


pre nerf plunderers

at worst the meta will be slightly annoying to play for about 4 weeks

4 weeks is crazy but im pretty sure the old size mage meta lasted longer

Another day another worrisome skill change

hey could you post the idea pls
I want to see waht the public thinks

do we even have confirmation on what the final boss is? is just going to be the highest member of the order?