Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

sorry to break it to you but that’s just because boss balancing did not exist in aa

it’s almost as if information can spread between people through the use of this arcane concepts called “language”
also there would probably be just a bunch of people flinging around fire balls, and people would see that and tell other people about it until it reaches a different place

can we ban this person already?
they do nothing but spread conflict every time they return to the forums

Fair, however I would still argue that as I said above, someone with Plasma in the Seven Seas is stronger and more versed than someone with Plasma from the War Seas.

not necessarily

magic is more advanced in the war seas (flat out stated by vetex), which just means learning new elements is easier

the only reason plasma seems stronger in the seven seas is because it’s harder to learn, so it only seems stronger since everyone who uses it is already a skilled mage

Will this save Seismic Slash?



(full sentence)

Iris, you calling for me to be banned just proves you

  1. Can’t Debate
  2. Are the issue here

Everything you have interpreted as conflict has been seen as a joke from others, this entire discussion only became this long because you tried to take comments i made ironically seriously, then tried providing arguments with no kick.

oh and also

Buzzer Sound, you are still incorrect! This was NOT the point I had stated earlier! In all of this argument and your desperate attempts to try prove me wrong, you have forgotten that my initial argument was:

Locations and Cultures do not make sense in Arcane. If there are Arabs,Greeks,Egyptians and Japanese people in 1 cluster, and Greeks,Romans,Arabs (more iraqi this time) and Vikings in another, it just proves that location does NOT matter when people are being discussed!

mb replied to wrong person i think, ack

then you’re just wrong then i guess

@Iris, im done debating, I truthfully hope that you are not actually mad over an Arcane discussion about fictional aura attacks, but this is my final statement since i think i replied to the wrong person

The two sole interactable people end up dead.
(The rest of the dead people don’t match with people prior to Port Mistral’s destruction, so they just appeared out of nowhere as corpses. (Though I’m not trying to downplay the tragedy that has unfortunately occurred in the story.))

at least the initial aoe will do similar damage to the other self aoe weapon skills
also the rocks will be a bit easier to hit, for what that’s worth

they are probably inside their houses when we visit the place before the story
it could also be that they’re merchants who only recently arrived to port mistral, considering it’s a merchant town and all

So in other words, aside from the mayor, the old sailor, and the guy with the orange hair and beard, Port Mistral’s residents got evacuated while the merchants paid the price by coming that day instead of Thursday :skull:

could also be people who were in their houses before the player would go there for the story, we know that not every person who was in port mistral was evacuated safely- most were but not all

i’d imagine you would want to leave your house if it was on fire



Your eyes have been graced with Yapman_Axel

I can’t believe the balance team is coding bugs into the game just so they can maintain the atk size meta

thank god this is bait