Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

U WUT. You’re telling me I have an actual goal to reach???


Yeah 7500 treasure charts.

Flare and aether are technically dev magics, vetex has used both

No they’re magics only the dev can access. Thats a different thing to a magic made for the developer.

Not really since we have bosses with those two magics

They’re just temporarily unavailable lost magics

Dev magics are specifically made FOR the devs, like Aether lightning and Poison lightning in AA + Cataclysm in AO now

Is 7500 even… Possible? Personally I think its a myth, cause yknow… Dude in the images is a game mod! I wouldnt push youself to do 7500!

Same one who had cataclysm cannons so who knows :smile:

I had gotten myself to 2.5mil…

yeah the only dev magic in ao rn is Cataclysm


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Did the balance update release?

no only iris fumo



Holy freaking shat power is worth running on vitality now!?!??!?!?


Nooo they are nerfing the Epicenter title again!

Imaging driving in one direction for several hours just for a chance of running into the epicenter… For a rare title

Server shutdown timers are being passed out soon.

Oh… Meta followers… Now dawns thy reckoning

It changed me from a knight back to a warrior, but I still have spirit imbue and ekrix