Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

It’s stated that it will work the same as work

Womp womp

70% of the community never had legendary scales or luck 4-5, luck 3 is the most common luck.
I dont care about those luck-5-divers, they still probably get richer by being rich, while we, common folks, dont even use luck most of the time.

Buff luck for lower levels and nerf for higher :slight_smile:


Luck just got killed by a boeing hitman

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trash take, someone is mad people using higher luck to get sunken, bro would be fine if luck got all deleted if it means that sunken farming would make u extremely miserable

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You acting like the “common folk” didnt benefit from this is genuinely crazy. If anything, this will hurt the casuals WAY more than the rich :skull::skull:

And this is just dumb

But that’s exactly how it worked in Greek Myths

The luring capabilities are never physically shown, but we are drawn to sail in the direction of those voices regardless
Only difference is that with AO, we are drawn out of curiosity or anticipation, not beauty. It’s still a similar psychological phenomenon regardless

In fact, if the sirens’ songs worked more like a ship tether, that would probably deter people away from their voices instead

The Kong has a point. I usually just rush right for them as soon as I hear the song, so I can clear out all their loot.

Honestly I’m up for this nickname

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Change your name to KONGUS

^ i already got “rich” off of luck parties a while ago. if anything this makes higher tier gear less accessible to casuals while all the rich people still have all their stuff

Exactly, rich people actually benefit from this while casuals will have a MUCH harder time getting sunkens for their builds or acrimonies for stat resets. And that’s just looking at it from a grinding perspective. As for trading, sunkens and acrimonies will 100% skyrocket in value and thus be basically inaccesible for the casuals

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i changed my mind, its jover.

Can we change sunken’s rarity to legendary pls?

this isnt enough we need another sunken wipe

Anything above Rare rarity should be wiped, and all sunkens are wiped too.
:speaking_head: :fire:

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Full game reset


At this point just delete AO and start from the beginning.

Delete AO, delete the community, brainwash us of the game, and make it again. Remove pvp too because we forgot about the awful metas and stuff.

mfw i need to fish for 15 hours straight just to get +60 defense and +20 atk speed/size to my build