Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


Dude. So us weapon-based builds that got our shit back after the last wipe gotta do it again? Is this a joke? Because it ain’t funny.


Realistically the economy is so shit currently that I believe sunken chances should simply become more common 1/1250 or 1/1000 base chance imo is very reasonable

i also think in general all items shouldn’t be too rare or some way of being able to choose a certain category of common/uncommon items to skew the chances of obtaining them. since rn its just artificial gameplay thats boring and tedious which shouldnt be in the game

unless vetex wants to keep money farming which is an option too (easy mansion strat: make a time consuming game/has many time consuming aspects and make core gameplay features/lots of vanity paid :money_mouth_face: )


its edited don’t worry dawg :sob:

Thank God.

why are you complaining this is riveting gameplay

I just can’t imagine not praising the strongest human to have ever lived in the greatest piece of fiction of the modern era.

Vetex: “oops, due to new luck changes a bug occured on maingame that wiped the inventory of every player”

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I was actually gonna nuke vetex thank God this is an edit​:raised_back_of_hand::sob:

Your special cauldron in the hell already awaits you there)))

isn’t making fake patch notes against the rules of the forums

Only reminders for ao i think

Not stated outright, but it definitely is “in the area of of interpretation” when it comes to Rules. (Which quite frankly goes for virtually anything on the forums in general. .)

I can’t recall if any precedence was made when it came to Fake Patch Notes punishment/violation wise or whatever.

But they don’t necessarily have a good or bad outlook going for them. .


Rule 19 definitely has it out for them when it comes Fake Patch Notes via the first sentence.

Since they are often capable of fooling people if they don’t check, and technically misinform people on what’s happening in patch notes and it is pretty intentional to make/post them.

But on the other hand Rule 3 could potentially bail them out, via the second sentence. But only by a certain extent and it’s decently up to interpretation on how far this extent goes for a post.

Fake Patch Notes are seemingly done in a joking manner presumably, and most of them usually are/were tbh.

Given the whole Iris and Carina patch notes when they first came out. . And one can make the argument that they are protected/exempt from punishment via them being joke posts.

But Rule 3 still has a fine line between what is and isn’t in the bounds to count as a joke post. With it being that as long said joke posts aren’t taken as trolling and detrimental to the forums.

Which can be really obvious in the case of already suspended/banned people on the Forums. Or subjected/left to interpretation as seen with Fake Patch Notes as of right now with no big openly known precedence around them.

Certainly living up to it’s "in the area of interpretation " category right now.



It’s a bit complicated, but they themselves are and aren’t in violation of Rules. Nothing to really worry your head over too much. And best to leave it to Leaders and Mods to dabble over if an issue arises.

As long as the person behind them isn’t being obnoxious, constantly and or only posting Fake Patch Notes in discussions, and stirring things up. They’ll continue to mostly get a pass.

All that said, have fun, continue discussing things within the confines of the topic, and most importantly,

Behave yourselves


We're back to me spending half hour or more, on writing something on the forums. Yayyyy

Vetex better get working on that fishing update cause I am not looking forward to having no ways to help along my master angler progression

harvard law is calling :interrobang: :fire:

dark sea runs are harder now

How could Vetex… now i have to FIGHT Sirens for real…

But there is a path forward.

These changes and slight subtle nod off to the Dark Sea here surely. .


I don’t think the sirens will take kindly to being stolen from though tbh