Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Didn’t he say they conflict? I might be tripping on that one

you can

you can imbue spirit onto everything and it’s imbue-able by fs and magic

but you can’t use warrior aura, so you’re not the one controlling the energy
it’s just sort of there

??? It has nothing to do, Warrior Aura is just a gameplay thing, in lore, we’re a savant, we have weapon aura no matter what

“such as imbuing spirit energy into magic/weapons/fighting styles, and imbuing magic into spirit weapons”
hold on does this mean paladins will get double imbues: spirit energy into magic and magic into their spirit weapons?

yup, pretty stupid

you shouldnt be able to then to keep it consistent

still though i dont want conjurer to be a weird thing where it wouldnt have an imbue into magic because weapon stats arent unique enough to warrant one, but either way i wont complain because ummmm its fun so idc

funny way to spell “sick as hell”

yeah, that’s why I’m saying to let Fighting Styles be imbuable on magic, so it’s consistent

It doesn’t fit with the current system

i guess i misunderstood your first message then

maybe but i think it’s an interesting idea
we don’t rly know how spirit weapons are gonna work yet so i’ll complain once something concrete happens

Wardens preparing to annoy any rker by spamming nothing but defense and support techniques:

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there’s no way that fighting styles will be imbuable into magic
it could be possible that they’re imbuable into spirit weapons tho

Again, I can imbue energy from my weapons onto magic but not energy from my body???

It’s also for fairness and balancing

You CANNOT say Thermo/Iron-Leg/Sailor imbued Magic Attacks wouldn’t look cool af

Ive been thinking about this more for a while, and I realise that the two energies actually dont “oppose” each other. In fact, they seem to complement each other and can coexist. And its only when hit with the same exact energy that they seem to clash (Magic vs Magic, Spirit vs Spirit)

Like postive and negative charge. We may assume that they clash cause they’re opposites, but they actually do the opposite and that they actually attract each other, and repel that of the same charge as them.

Magic clashes with Magic, and Spirit attacks Spirit. But Spirit and Magic dont actually clash with each other in the same way. Chaos and Creation coexists, its how a human or a God has both energies of Spirit and Magic in them.

So Magic and Spirit energy SHOULD be able to be imbued. We’re looking at them wrong.

Pretty certain it was confirmed you could imbue fighting styles into spirit weapons