Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

weapons can’t be imbued into magic, what are you talking about?

spirit energy can be used with magic though because that’s how vetex decided it should work
please just stop complaining

I can only agree with sailor
thermo is a good second
I-leg sucks, it’s just grey with no additional special effects

Gods can use both but humans were said to only be able to use Magic, we know all humans have a spark of magic inside of them but it’s not know for Spirit Energy

that’s what the spirit weapons are for

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the energy from my spirit weapons

no I won’t stop giving criticism

Humans have both of two energies, just that they cant use one of them (Spirit), and were given the ability to use the Magic Energy within them.

??? We’re talking about humans, not spirit weapons rn

blud if I was a suggestor I’ve had all of those ideas + like weapons mithing for more customization lol

Where was this confirmed, I only saw the Magic confirmation

spirit energy is literally life energy
it’s literally the stuff your character’s soul is made from

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Hear me out all that thing is just a JOJO REFFERENCE

(Bleach actually but its JoJo refference anyway)

the world is a jojo reference for heaven’s sake

That would also mean experimental Curse users are immune to the seawater

…I thought it was confirmed they are now?

Didn’t see it confirmed anyways but it would make sense

His armor and staff are imbued

There’s active and passive imbuement as i see it.
Active is temporary, you can do it by applying aura onto physical thing, may it be weapons, fist or armor.
And there’s passive, which is well, passive. You cant get it normaly, you just have to “stain” a thing in a certain energy, for it to get aligned to it. Say a sunken sword, or any legendary weapon from AA, INCLUDING theos armor and apotheosis.

if all this happens then I hope we can equip several of the same weapon type (I WANT MY 3 POLEARMS!!!)

Trident and Spear, take it or leave it