Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

theyre both polearms :sob:

exactly, there are no 3rd polearm

if i can ill go trident, elius spear, triasta and get a load of moves on each one

alternatively swordmaxxing where i just get 3 swords and a shit ton of moves for them (thalassi, sunken, atlantean)

preeety sure you cant equip Triast and Trident.
(not quite sure if Traista is spear or trident. And does “unique” weapon can be equiped beside stanard tier-weapons [iron, woode etc])

if this weapon customization happens the ability to equip several of the same type of weapon should be allowed

I mean…yeah, but kinda no.

I doubt it would be allowed, different weapons with the same move yes, but they’ll share cd

i mean the same weapon with different moves, like having an elius spear with 3 moves and a trident with 3 different moves then a triasta with 3 other different moves

me when mega nerf lol

this sounds like way too much in one thing, could almost have a whole ass path system only for vitality

Vitality hybrids receiving defense and support skills on top of their offensive skills

vitality sounds like a mess. seems like vetex wrote himself into a corner tbh.

This just seems way to versatile and strong, but he kinda had to make it a big concept cuz he let us waiting this long lol

So would we be able to slap Whirlwind on a Greathammer, or does “compatible weapon” just mean the weapon type it was meant for?

unknown, might be just specific weapon types, or vetex specifically adds weapon skills to the possible weapons he thinks makes sense

Defiantly isn’t the first time he’s done that and probably won’t be the last

let’s just let him cook and see what he makes of it

Vitality support abilities will either be underpowered to the point that expending the hp for them isn’t worth it or overpowered to the point where they get nuke nerfed 1 week in.

rn he’s making 4 dishes, 3 of those are fine. but the 4th one is full packed with way too much stuff and makes the 3 other dishes kinda lesser and maybe even not worth eating, from what all we can smell from the kitchen

i would normally like vitality to be a pure support thing, but that’s kinda impossible

what kinda sense does it make to use your health to boost an ally, when you could just be another path and do damage yourself lol.

and obviously it still needs to do good damage because pure path exists

I cant wait for vitality!!! Its gonna be awesome, i wont reset my stats unless its like… maybe customizable!

My only caveat… With vetex saying in the middle of development “Lets switch gears entirely…”… Is this update gonna take an extra month…