Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

im guessing a necklace or braclet

or maybe a staff with eagle on it

Staff is a bit much for a weapon we’re getting at Lvl 1

I think its something simple like a ring or bracelet. Though… maybe not bracelet since another char has that (and theyre the first person MC will be introduced to with a Spirit Weap, so probs not a bracelet)

Probably a bracelet, I’d assume that those are generally on the weaker end of spirit weapons

So with the way it was revealed, I’m thinking we may get 4 weapons in total with each one being focused on different things:
One for defence
One for offense
One for mobility?
One for support

What I’m wondering more is how Vetex is going to make the more accessory-like spirit weapons visible with gear cluttering.

spirit items border exist, can use that

I meant more for like on appearances and not in the inventory, I feel like a lot of gear would overlap the spirit weapons and make them harder to see in most cases

iirc the captain in Sameria’s belt glows right? could be that

the belt isn’t the spirit weapon, it’s the bracelet

okay mb but does it glow?

the bracelet doesn’t glow

no, it doesn’t

well fck :person_shrugging:

he’ll probably just throw them in the weapons section and give them some sort of border to show that “hey, this shit is a spirit weapon”

again, I was meaning visually on the player outside of the inventory

ah, my bad.

Wait… I just realized…

The Eagle ‘Patrimony’

Oh wow

its probably more aligned with heritage lol

tbh I wonder what the charging effect looks like now, since it already looked pretty cool before

he probably made all the effects a bit brighter, since you usually can barely see them out in the light.
(it might be cool if it had a smaller version of the light beam thing from the light charging effect when you get to a certain level)