Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Some of the unique moves just have twice their minimum equip level of the weapon they’re on written next to them as compared to base requirement on other weapons

Or is their base just that high?

Might be a dumb question, but does this mean Warriors can finally have more than two/three skills on one weapon?

For certain weapons, yeah. Most still got the same though due to incompability to most other weapon type skills though.

Yes, assuming that there are 3 or more skills that can be applied to the weapon you’re using

It also means you get a limited ability to rebind skills on your weapons assumedly, I’m assuming that it lists the skills in the order you applied the notes (so the Q skill is the first note you applied, the E skill is the second note applied, etc)

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5 new messages in rfao

  • opticalcord being annoying
  • no new patch notes

can we just ban comments and post only news in rfao??? Idc if the comments are insightful or not, this thread exists for a reason: To discuss. RFAO is for reminders, its in the name.

Pretty sure Cryo and Art have banned it 4 times (possibly 5) by now.

Looks like Whirlwind is the most general use skill. The only one that comes close to its number of compatible weapon types is Raging Impact with 7.

I like that Flying Phoenix is now a skill able to be used by most ‘bladed’ weapons, I prefer using that skill over most of the other ranged options for swords at the moment.

No Beast Instinct for katanas. It is sad day.

Sparrow Thrust can work with staves now. I can see the Sunken Staff builds growing stronger before my eyes.

No compatibility between musket and pistol skills sucks, but makes sense.

All in all, it looks reasonable and fair. There’s not really any crazy or cool weapon + skill combos(that I can see), but it’s still going to be cool to swap some of these out onto weapons they aren’t usually on.

flying slash on halbert seems pretty great, since that also scales with size now
also whirlwind on halbert
now it will actually be somewhat decent

You’re forgetting crushing judgement on halberd as well😁
Rn it looks really good in terms of pvp

wouldn’t that be too many stat points?
(I wouldn’t be complaining about having crushing judgement though)

With strength weapons it gets split in half

So if it’s 220w, it gets split into 110w and 110str

nah what the balance team is thinking to prevent warlords from getting a shit ton of warrior skills is both requirements are boosted by 50%
so it wouldnt be 220w nor 110w and 110str
it would instead be 165w and 165str

that further reinforces my point
you can fill a weapon with low-level skills and still be able to use all of them

If the weapon skill chart from archrono is accurate, what they’re doing is just not giving the ability to put most of the skills on strength weapons

The only warrior skill that warlords may get is crushing judgement on halberd and nothing else, lance is quite literally getting nothing new

Also where did you hear that the skills are being boosted by 50% like that

my man, 80% of the chart is red

Balance team said fuck this shit and said no to pretty much everything

do we even have confirmation that the bteam did that?

Everyone hates it so it’s likely it’s the balancing teams fault (the balancing team are shit)

balancecord :sob: