Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I hope vetex is cooking rn cuz if there’s not a patch note in a while it usually means he’s cooking
or burning the food but idk

He’s probs making the first Spirit Skills, possibly for Eagle Patrimony.

Making skills can take a while. Like, about 1-2 days I think

its about weapon so i guess it hits here


That was the reasoning I came to for the limited weapon compatibility

Are minor animation tweaks too time consuming?
Some skills are fitting for a few weapons, but are held the opposite way

doesn’t this make it so shield can’t get anything

i mean its not the easiest thing to mirror animations to the opposite side

still i’d imagine vetex could just switch the weapons position. kinda odd tbh

ya, that why i voted this option, not for weapons to actually not be considered boring, not for unused weapons to become usable, not for bassically hotkeys and multiple combinations

i came for only a few weapons to work, that are already used, and that benefit AoE warriors, i sure hope the reason is bc its gonna delay the update bc of the balancing and testing and scripting and not bc u need to do some minor animation changes that u can literally ask some help with it

triasta can’t get new skills because you hold it with your left hand instead of right

Vetex propagating left handed discrimination smh

me being left-handed

According to this, polearm weps can get anything staffs have. What would be the point of staffs then??

special stat distribution/status effects


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Sorry I’m here to announce that breathing is getting a nerf because 3 years from now it will become the AO meta


Watch it be somewhat related to Thermo Fist.

Jokes be jokes, but ig there’s an actual reason for a planned nerf
Halberd - Collosal Clave, has 10 move option (including Seismic slash)
And Lance of Loyalty - Collosal Thrusting, has 4.

I think not much people use Lance, so Halberd having 10 move option is ZAMN

As a proud warlord-savant and vitality lover, i already can imagine Halberd with following moves:

  • Flashing Strike
  • Flying Slash
  • Devastate
  • Striking Gale (hear me out, flying slash is fast, but ‘low’ aoe, while gale is slow but big)

you see, since warlords will be able to get more skills on their strength weapons, that means that you can charge up thermofist way faster in combat
this combined with the halbert finally being viable would mean that thermolords get a 2.5% extra damage on a weapon with higher size than most weapons, and with thermofist it also gets a high speed multiplier which results in a weapon with 1.1x damage, 0.97x speed and 1.32x damage if you use explosive on it, which is quite honestly outrageous and should never even have been possible. Along with this, thermofists dot has recieved a major buff, which will now cause it to deal 15.691% more damage in total after 3 seconds, which will allow thermolords to charge up their strength weapon attacks and not lose out on any potential damage, resulting in a 5.625% damage increase. How vetex even thought about adding this, we don’t know. Even someone with a quarter of their brain left would know it’s a bad idea.
At this very moment, we’re travelling to vetex’s house to forcefully explain why his decision is terrible and that it caused a lot of mental pain to all of our fellow balance team members. To prevent any future ‘incidents’, we’ve implanted a computer chip into vetex’s brain to remotely control him, and make him nerf this unbalanced and overpowered mess that is thermofist.

Sailor style on top, forever!
-balance team
(please help, they’re holding me at gun point)
(I’ve been told that I have to say that this is satire)


Why why?……
Jokes aside there’s not much to nerf tho, most halbert moves would be things from greatsword and bladed weapons which pretty much all weapon builds already have, the only real eye catcher is CJ

According to the chart lance isn’t getting anything groundbreaking so I don’t know why they wanna need to nerf it