Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

When you drip gets ruined just because you’re tired of Elius’ yapping

Not sure if it’s a good thing that only 2 of my 6 vitality slots have ruthless instead of merciful.

Me when you can choose your magic:

it seems we are doomed to always fall victim to elius, he got the last laugh

bro it literally just goes to purple :sob:

forced color change… absolutely unplayble 0/10

how DARE Vetex make it so my BLUE spirit weapon attack becomes PURPLE in the STORY ROUTE OPTION where I’m forced to be A LITTLE EVIL. This is literally UNPLAYABLE. What has Arcane Odyssey come to…

i see this as an absolute win (purple is the best colour)

now, does this mean other vitality effects will change to?

I was wondering when merciless and merciful would come into play.

does the spirit energy become more purple depending on how many bosses you kill while merciless (i.e. carina, marina) or would it not count because even the merciful path ends up killing Argos and Calvus

would you have rather the nimbus update as how it was released or would you have rather him just say he wasnt able to work for 2 months and that he has to delay the update? also without the 2 months he said he was depressed in thats still 3 months of work for 40 minutes of gameplay…

im not saying vetex should be working 24/7 but i wouldve much rather him outright say ‘sorry guys the update is still really shit ima have to delay it fr’ than get that dogshit way too early and another dogshit event right after :pray:

i get this forum has become a meat stroking fest for vetex but cooooome oooooon stop being so delusional its sickening. either way ive sadly lost hope for this game and probably just gonna play from time to time for the story

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With Magic, there isn’t any canon one for the MC right now. Tech did suggest Lightning as the canon Magic on a whim in the Nimbus Q&A though.

Hmm… so there IS different colors for Spirit Energy, and Blue isnt like the color for it 100% and other people might have different colors

But its interesting its purple for Ruthless, which is a mix of blue and red. Its almost like your natural spirit energy is SUPPOSED to be blue, but with Ruthless, that blue color gets tainted with red, turning it purple…

hear me out, what if a persons soul + their morals/values directly correspond to their spirit energy color, so the mc’s is blue, while some other guy could be like white or something.

Hol’ up chat she might be onto something here… but wait… isn’t MC the only one we actually see use spirit energy? Since npcs dont’ have imbue visuals yet…

If Spirit Energy color is influenced by the person’s actions or morals, what would the spirit colors of the main cast be? I want to say that Morden’s would be similar to the Ruthless spirit color, since he has no problems with knocking out (or killing, whichever it is) the Ravenna Ensign interrogated in Fort Talos, and he’s more than capable of holding grudges, although his attempts at pacifism after getting the Death Curse muddy that theory a bit.

Iris’ color is probably red or purple as well, because of how much she threatens people with her Flare Magic and how she tries to kill the player on Frostmill.

Neviro and Warren’s colors would likely lean closer to blue, Neviro in particular. You don’t see them killing many (that we know of) and both of them have a strong sense of justice or peacekeeping; Neviro wants justice for Winterveil and its civilians, while Warren kept the War Seas stabilized before the story and says he’d help fight Keraxe if it wouldn’t put Azura in danger. The only reason I think Neviro’s spirit would be the most blue is because he’s characterized as somebody who prefers to talk through things before fighting.

it is knocking out, the sound that plays is blunt

Now that you mention it, we havent seen Morden actually with the real intent to kill, even before the Death Curse.

And we know he’s a good bluffer too, with how quick and calm he was to create a lie to save our faces LOL. He threatened the guard, but probs had no intention of actually putting them in real pain.

Morden might actually lean closer to “Merciful” from the start. Maybe more than MC.

yeah we actually haven’t seen Morden kill anyone yet