Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

They shall suffer for these treasure charts

What are artisan weapons?

Basically legendary weapons from AA

think of them like the lost/anchient magic equivalent for weapons, they are basically legendary weapons that are much stronger than regular weps.

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we don’t exactly know

they’re warrior exclusive weapons that do something special which we don’t know yet

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Exclusive contet for each build

Savant - Arcanium Strength Weapons

Warden - ?
Mage - Ancient magics/spells
Zerker - Ancient techniques and Upgraded Lost F.S.
Warrior - Artasian Weapons (Legendary weapons are just rarity of weapon, just like rare weapon of Atlantean)

Paladin - ?
Juggernaut - ?
Knight - ?
Conjurer - Arcanium Weapons
Warlock - ?
Warlord - Strength Weapons

better yet, even Velord doesnt know what they do

probably high tier/“legendary” ( sacred? high blessed by a specific god? ) spirit weapons

nah, that just seems weird and way too specific
besides, savant is supposed to be able to use everything, so it wouldn’t make much sense to give them a whole exclusive weapon branch

also, every magic build is supposed to be able to use arcanium weapons, just not to their full potential unlike cojurers


Savants uniqueness is in that “i can use everything”. It will allow for truly unique combos no other clas can achieve. For example, double imbues. They can imbue sailor style and ice into ANY weapon. So ANYTHING can be a sunken weapon.

Still it is sad. Spirit weapon builds might get unique abilities all to their lonesome, but Warlocks won’t even be special anymore once savants can imbue too. At least conjurers get arcanium weapons, which savants probably won’t be able to use efficiently for a while.

Warden is probably the ability to use spitit energy to attack (without using spirit weapons)

That wouldn’t even be surprising

Idk the ideas about arcanium weapons are very nebulous so we can’t trust much said about them but it was kinda stated that they were not exclusive to conjuror just best when used by them

We are not gods so this is unlikely :Ăž

(Double post, strike me down)

Warden proceeds to get buffed health regen for their 1st awakening

Except presumably not an instant win button in any fight like lws are

sure, they can imbue, but warlocks would probably have higher tiers on both magic and fighting styles, and would also have access to rare techniques or spells on both magic and fighting styles, while savant would only have access to basic rare stuff on a single thing

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Conjurer - Savant can imbue Weapons with more than just magic. Magic, Fs, Spirits…
Warlock - Savant can imbue Fs with more then just magic. Spirits to be exact.
Warlords - Savant can both imbue and use str weapons (warlord savant is good rn)

Paladin - Savant can do it, and imbue spirit energy into everything from their arsenal
Juggeraut - Same as Paladin
Knight - Uhh…Yeah…


Lower size, less advanced stuff

im definitely making a savant once the level cap hits somewhere in the ballpark of 250, i want to try out steam imbue warlord weapons (or just weapons in general w/ steam imbue)