Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


Who knows, maybe MC was that strong. They arent called the “strongest willed” for no reason.

Or maybe thats just how the natural weather is there, and a storm was chosen for symbolic reasons only.

Dont forget we’re still in a magic polluted world with crazy weather. Frostmill is somehow forever cold for example.

It’s possible we caused it and Tucker is more of a battery causing it to continue, but who knows.

Also, this reminds me of an old idea that Tech and Vetex had for AA. There was an idea where the Magic Dagger that Theos gave to AA MC would be upgraded into a legendary sword somewhere in the story…

Note though, it was just an idea and not a solid one. The og ending according to Tech mentioned it as a Dagger again, so either they already scrapped it before AA’s closing, or the Sword is like a temporary form when its used or something.

what if they changed it so the dagger stays in the same form but becomes overpowered as hell for some reason, like I dunno, it’s made out of a really strong alloy of arcanium.

I just rechecked the old messages, I think the “transform” is when it gets used or something.

But yeah, it sounds like a cool concept. But idk if theyll do that to an item thats specific for a certain build…

Then again, all players have it and its unsellable and untradable, so it has to be important somehow…

I mean, the magic dagger iirc increased magic and I think strength/weapons (I forgor which was in AA) and was the type of weapon a 3-way savant would use, which the AA MC was.

I am still waiting for Vetex to announce Spirit Savant’s awakenings. And vitality awakenings at all.

We know that the hybrids are spirit imbues, but we dont know Oracle’s yet.

I wonder about exactly savant. Will he get them at his first awakening or at the second?

They’ll get them at the second, they get imbues at that awakening.

Oh my god, there’s so many messages of “Arcane Legacy”, “Loomina Legacy” and “Hogwatz Legacy”, litteraly 292 pages :sob:

I hope vetex moves imbues to savant’s first awakening
it’d be consistent with all the other awakenings

The “lol” on that second one, LMAO

Makes me wonder if therell be some badass moment where MC’s loses Eagle Patrimony, only to kiterally start using its abilities without the weap because they themselves are a legacy of Zeus. That would be cool, but I doubt it will actually happen. Unless if it was at the very end of the story against the final boss, and its like a temporary thing.

Last prefixes for AO’s MC (for their stat allocation) are Titan and Primordial. First one makes me think that we are actually going to become an actual god and probably regain full control over some element (?lightning?).

I don’t think it makes sense for savants to get imbues at their first awakening, seeing as they get literally all of them. Feels a tad too strong for their first one at least, especially compared to hybrids.

Those ones are like for lvl 1k iirc, so I doubt we’ll actually get those since we’ll actually only get to around 600-700

Didn’t Vetex say max would be 350ish?

bro whar?

thats like, late vimir sea early aegean

…Eh? No, we meant at the end of story. Max level at the very end of the storyline will be the cap level of the entire game.