Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I feel like the first awakening for all hybrids is better than the second awakening.
for the second awakening you just get a second magic/fighting style (and whatever knight gets), while the first one lets you imbue
imbues are literally the biggest part of most hybrid builds

I think 600 lvl will be just a requirement for last storyline quest, but won’t be the cap lvl. So 1k lvl is just for those who completed the game, but decided to stay and feel growth of power.

No, I think even Vetex has said here that the end of story level will be the game’s actual level cap. Like, theres no going beyond that even after story is finished. He might change his mind later on, but thats what he said iirc.

Lets say max level is 600, that means that for savant, they can invest 600points max in any of 4 routes.
Cause we are savant, our “title” requierments are divided by 4, so for primordial we need 500.

So theoreticaly, as long as end-game cap is above 500, savants can theoreticaly get Primordial title

I hope that vetex adds a newgame + type thing, where you can replay the story after beating the story the first time, but you keep all your stuff


Mortal… look at the above message :sweat_smile:


Spirit bomb??

You can steal thousands of dollars worth of stuff and still be “good” but killing a guy in self defense is “bad.” Being a pirate is “neutral”

Aaronson’s Meta Kamehameha Patrimony

you see, creation doesn’t care wether you steal or kill some random ravenna ensign because you’re bored
creation only cares about it’s bestest little boi called Elius
and you should too


Yk what I think might be cool - if the switch to purple isn’t instant but rather gradual as you kill more of the bosses.


elius my beloved

Man fuck that Elius guy

Creation is mirage

@Mirage can you confirm

Безимени-1 копия


if we had to do the math, how many gallons of tea in total have this person’s anime emojis consumed from day 1 since they joined the forums to this point now

Elius watching as the 30th Gojo cosplay walks up to his arena:

(He knows he’s not making out of this alive)

they got rights to buddy
exception of anybody else

including that other saiju wannabe who sent the same anime guy 50th time (got cringy)

Considering spirit weapons will have special attributes depending on the gods which blessed them I hope we get a trident spirit weapon from like Poseidon

okay but still I wanna know

how much tea has saiju consumed