Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

prob same as magic imbues

I love dissing the balance team
the balance team rn:

And iā€™m now suddenly capable of doing Paralyze.


Finally, Power is reasonable to invest into and i can maybe go past 0 Power now.

No more 168 dmg Piercing Gale at 74/77 Power if i do decide to invest again.

Seems like Vetex is wrapping up things, and Oracle seems a bit unlikely to come out yet. Given thereā€™s only 1 Spirit Wep but a girl can dream.

it says damage reduction removedā€¦ but not power scaling reduction removed

I mean, itā€™s just conjuror but they donā€™t get affinities on imbue

Then nothing has effectively changed if thatā€™s the case!

Continuing to 0 power gaming then.


Juggernaut becoming some weird in-between of warlock and warlord with innate drawback

fr? send me the link I wanna see

friendship ended with mage, knight is now my favorite class

huge problem
juggernauts with iron leg or cannon fist are going to have the same problem as crystal leg used to (a clear synergy that gets reapplied every hit) because lightning has a clear synergy with bleed which iron leg and cannon fist both apply

Definitely more reasons to make a Vitality-based slot. Besides my Savant(2 points in Vit, lol) Iā€™ve not used Vit at all.

No, I dont think so. First of all, the Eagle is literally a sacred symbol of Zeus.

Two, Zeusā€™ name has been highlighted in teal in the past. Poseidon was blue. The Eagle Patrimonyā€™s aura is teal with lightning.

Im 100% certain its Zeus-blessed.

Yeah itā€™s literally base Lightning magicā€™s color. :lightning_magic_var1:

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You may be able to kill the man but not the idea

Also, I heard that Vetex wanted to do 3 Spirit Weaps, but will only do 1 this update. Is it possible that the other 2 were supposed to be Poseidon and Hades or something? Or maybe the other two were from Morden and Tucker, idk, just a thought

Iā€¦ Honestly donā€™t see a problem. Maybe Iā€™m biased as an Iron Leg user, but we donā€™t really have many good synergies. Plus, even if we get Lightning synergies, we donā€™t get affinities, so we still the slowest fighting style even with the Patrimony imbue active.

the main thing iā€™m worried about is that crystal leg was a very oppressive meta back in the day because of the damage numbers it could put out thanks to its crystalized clear synergy, so lightning clear synergy might present the same problem and it would especially present the same problem on a faster fighting style like cannon fist with heavy exploding shells

Do we see a ton of oppressive lightning ileg users?

I guess itā€™s a bit different since with the patrimony itā€™s a size imbue and not a speed imbue but like.

We donā€™t see that being super oppressive in the meta

Waitā€¦ now that you mention itā€¦ what if we get a Spirit Weap with Earth elemental effects, and then you combine that with Crystalā€¦


Yeah, I remember. Triggered the Shatter effect every hit, right? I can see whatcha mean.

Yeah, I was about to mention that, Lightning Warlocks using Iron Leg donā€™t really seem all that meta, or at least not that Iā€™ve seen.