Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

inb4 Gaia’s spirit weapon gets added

Stop predicting things! Apollo has clearly blessed you in the past!

The fact it gets a size buff as the base spirit imbue could make it a bit… funky. Observing the current meta.

Ohhh yeah I forgot it said that skills get size buffs from imbuement. I can see how that could end up being broken, yeah.

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I was actually thinking of Hades, cause while most people might assume he would have Shadow, his domain is actually Earth

Just lugging around a piece of polished green obsidian to shoot lasers that are vaguely brown and rocky out of

I’m just going off of what god vetex would use for what element

just saw the patchnotes, my snow paladin will now eternally have the eagle patrimony imbued into her attacks just because it fits me shipping her with my lightning mage more

While yeah it would make sense I think in the AO world specifically hades might be associated with shadow Y’know the whole deal with Durza (the chthonic world would be rather dark anyway)

My Water Paladin be like after the update:

now that I think about it wtf would athena or ares blessings (in terms of like, imbue) be

Tech once kinda confirmed his domain is Earth, not Shadow. Of course, Vetex might think differently but you know

Ares is fire, Athena would be wood.

What? She grew a tree once.

live Hestia and Hephaetus reaction:

Both of them could be metal for varying reasons

fair, but I feel like Ares would somehow bullshit his way into his blessing imbuing shit with Raw Strength (argos imbue) somehow.

Pretty sure Heph was more related to fire in Roman Mythos as Vulcan. IIRC he’s more like the Godly blacksmith in Greek myth.

Idrk about Hestia though.

Goddess of hearth and home

Makes sense.

Hades 2 portrays her as an old lady balancing a pot full of hot coals on her head :+1: