Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

The Tribulations of Cultivation.

My theory was less about the literal “blood” and more to do with the reaction of Magic and Spirit together, since theyre basically opposing energies and Paladin uses both. Since other builds dont use magic, this reaction doesnt occur much.

I speculated this reaction might be somewhat related to how the Gods were created by Creation and Chaos together, and Gods have golden blood (ichor). Though, this is to a much lesser scale where it only changes the color of the person’s energy instead rather than a physical effect (as theyre born from humans lol)

That still doesnt really explain how it can become red

yellow is ichor and good coloured, so red is normal blood and evil coloured

Hmm, true. I once mentioned human blood being red, but I think thats a stretch? Though, there is Aurem, which the name is actually “gold” but the gem is red, idk. These seem like a stretch

Thinking about it now, its likely connected to how Spirit Energy appears “purple” when the person is evil, though the better word is “corrupt”. Note that purple is a mix of blue (normal soul color) and red, so I think a purple soul indicates that the person’s soul is “tainted”.

Now, since the base color of the Spirit Energy is different, the color reaction also creates a different color entirely (instead of gold, it becomes red). I think thats how it works. Hmm… I still wonder if Aurem is connected to this, cause the name means “gold” but its red…

Oh wait, could that be somewhat connected to Akursius Keep? Cause the whole place was raided by Chaos, turning it red. Chaos is attracted to evil. On the other hand, Warding color is gold/yellow…

Thats the most plausible solution.
I guess it means your character embraces his/her godly heritage (mixing spirit energy with magic as they are both gifts) which turns the spirit energy’s color to gold.
Im still not sure whats happening in the case of the red energy though.
Maybe instead of creating balance between the two forces that gods are able to control you are making chaos stronger by adding creation’s power?

I wonder if vetex has put m1s on spirit weapons yet
it’d be as simple as copying the code for the magic m1s but just change the visuals to the vitality ones

I think the answer lies in the fact that Spirit Energy’s color changes based on the “purity” of a soul, even before the Paladin color changes. Light blue if Merciful, purple if Ruthless.

Purple Spirit Energy → Red Spirit Energy when mixed with Magic
Blue/Teal Spirit Energy → Gold Spirit Energy when mixed with Magic

But the parallel to something like Akursius Keep and the Warding Effect is interesting… also note that high Insanity can also induce red eyes on your character, while also filling their head with evil thoughts. This reminds me of an idea I had back then of Spirit Energy possibly having Warding effects in lore as it is the opposite of Magic (Chaos) Energy.

Maybe depending on your character’s attribute, the color change brings out one side’s effect more than the other? Like, with Gold, your powers takes on more traits of Creation like Warding or Healing, while Red brings out more madness and chaos in your energy?

Idk, Im just rambling random thoughts rn

we know that Chaos is attracted to great evils and mass destruction, so the red being chaos energy mixing does make sense

Wait, oh. OHHH. So when an energy of chaos comes in contact with something evil/tainted in nature, it turns red? So when our purple soul energy reacts with the Magic within us, it turns red too?

Wait, so is Warding like the opposite of that or what? :eyes:

Wait… I remember some random NPC execution dialogue once saying that the blood of criminals will dye the blue sea, which could theoretically mean that the sea will turn red…? And considering the ramifications of Chaos and the color red, and then there’s red Spirit Energy…

Oh boy, I think Ive gone into full conspiracy mode now :joy:

Bro is a myth just like tornados in the normal seas

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isn’t chaos teal and black though

tell that to akurius :person_shrugging:

Yes, but we’re talking about the ENERGY mixing with something else, which is making it turn red, likely things that are “evil” or “tainted”

Perhaps its actually the Spirit Energy reacting to the presence of Magic Energy rather than the other way around which causes Spirit Energy itself to turn red.

We were comparing it to Akursius Keep cause its somehow red all over even tho Chaos is teal. Spirit Energy is the life force of all things, as Creation created the world, so Chaos interacting with an environment tainted by “evil” would cause the energy in the area to interact with Chaos’ energy, which turns it red, thats my thought…

Spirit energy is different from chaos though iirc

It was said somewhere in patreon chat I think

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Yeah, they are seperate, doesnt mean Chaos cant inflict the same energy (it IS a wepaon of Chaos after all). Its probably wayyyy potent tho, which is likely how an entire island got cursed.

i’d assume chaos and creation clashing

btw which patch note is this in

either dark sea or pre-early access, i can’t remember specifically