Modifier discussion

The as fartman would say was in referral to tardbard, not halfwit

I shall base my opinionative conclusions on my opinion.

Then recognize it as an opinion, stop trying to give all these reasons without recognizing nobody shares that opinion with you.

Even the other people complaining about these ideas still recognize thereā€™s an issue, you are the exception, not the rule.

Iā€™m not telling you why other people like modifiers, Iā€™m telling you why I like modifiers and donā€™t agree.


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90% of Arcane Gambles have net-positive outcomes.
Sunkens kill me though.

90% of. Arcane odyssey players quit and move to deepwoken before getting a minmaxxed build because they keep getting blasted toothpicks and maid tops

Thereā€™s a reason ao is so much less popular than other Roblox games, and itā€™s not the GAMEPLAY of the pvp.

99% of fishermen quit looking for centuries-old treasures just before theyā€™re about to catch big

its hard to minmax in deepwoken too, you have to get all sorts of needles and grease and shit to max one armor piece (i kid you not)

Average Sunken Fishing gameplay:

The blasted power amulet grinding experience (every aw dang it is another blasted fedora)

Maybe itā€™s just because 9 time out of 10 I get something pretty good (usually not amazing) from Akursius charts.

Hold on

Can divanochi split this argument into a different thread, this should probably about the suggestion

we need more leaders dawg
like maybe randomness, heā€™s pretty active

so-called ā€œnet-positive outcomesā€ when theyā€™re limited to the boundaries of a video game (you have wasted time getting these digital profits that cannot be used to better your own life)

Let me introduce: fun

Aight imma ping him
@Divanochi please split me and stocksounds argument into a different thread since we are derailing every modifier suggestion we come across

Fun isnā€™t an improvement to your life but a coping mechanism to deal with it.

I personally think I should be a leader, Iā€™d be a great candidate.

no you wouldnt