Modifier discussion

Well maybe I don’t want to work all the time, because working makes me sad, and a sad worker is a bad worker.

@moderators can someone split this

Me after getting the 400th treasure chart that doesn’t lead to the island I want (the other 100 haven’t given me anything good from the island)

Try doing charts for other islands in the meanwhile.

I do not NEED an archaic amulet I NEED a blasted amulet!

Stocksounds please go back and check my rant about how your opinion is the exception not the rule, I do not enjoy treasure charts like you do

I don’t do it because I need it, I do it because it’s fun. It’s a way to get more charts for the place you want, while profiting, practicing, and GAMBLIIING!!!

I’m putting this argument on hold until it gets split

:shushing_face: :smirk: :point_left:


I mean, if you wanna stop talking, I could do something else as well, I just don’t wanna leave you hanging.

can you shut up or get out of my topic
you dont have to go home but you cant stay here

just make your own topic and link to it here or something

No I want to continue arguing, I just don’t wanna get banned for derailing

I need to drill it into your head that treasure charts aren’t fun for most people, so your proposed solutions to the struggle of modifiers don’t work

well that’s rude.

No, in fact, I’M gonna shut up.
I’m done bothering Fartman with detailing against your silly stuff.

Wanna know what else is rude

Dissing the community’s collective effort to rework an inherently flawed system based off of personal opinion

Now if you’ll excuse me imma go not respond to this thread until it gets split
:shushing_face: :deaf_man:

duality of man


I’ll do it when I get home

Ty :pray:

wtf is this take :skull:

One of stocksounds worst, and that’s saying a lot considering who it comes from