Morock Solos your favourite Arcane Character frfr

bludtacular quitcher yap

No source, no evidence

lil mans can’t learn how to go through a page’s history even now :sob:

Look man, if it doesn’t work, and you got no pictures of it, that means you have no evidence.
Do you just expect me to take all your bs at face value?

the image exists, the current source link is broken :skull:
you can go through the discord and find the messages even there, I just don’t feel like doing all the work for you, because I am again the only one here giving sources from Vetex.
(not chatgpt like u little arrancar :sob:)

You haven’t given a single working source so no you haven’t
not one source, out off all 71 of your posts

I’ve scanned through the wiki, forums, and vetcord, can’t find this screenshot at all

I have, maybe scroll up :sob::pray:
Bros really gonna make me unleash my schrift :sob:
you aint ready boy :sob:
dont make do it :punch::fire:
they called me basher in highschool because i was the sigma there :sob::muscle:

its referenced multiple times in several sources so I’ll try see if it still exists

I’ve seen it referenced that north and south poles would exist ingame, but that doesn’t automatically mean they have ground, like you said they would. They could just be solid ice, like Frostmill, or they could be broken up into small islands

What in the fuck are you on about?
bro just go back to your cave to stroke your Johnson to the two canon pictures of morock and leave us all out of it

lil mans this thread is my domain and the wandenreich’s base of operation for the forums :sob::pray:

you’re the one arguing with me, not the other way around
im the honored one around these parts :fire:

nvm ig this makes everything we’re arguing about kinda futile because not even vetex ran it through science

Even so, that doesn’t mean we can’t consult science

Holy shit the yap levels are catastrophic bro I just saw a scientific diagram representing the magnetic field of the earth over a Roblox game argument about a dead guy with almost zero lore relevance afaik :sob:

Correct yourself. THE strongest dead guy.
Do not enrage me you hooligan :rage::punch:

popcorn please

I hate Jujutsu Kaisen so much that it’s unbelievable, everything its fans say and do is irrationally repulsive to me, to the point that I cannot imagine myself being a friend of a person in real life that is a JJK fan anymore. I’m trying to think more critically about things though so I’m wondering why it is that Jujutsu Kaisen fans particularly annoy me when they are only a more overblown realization of trends that already existed amongst fandom culture of all shapes and forms. Maybe it’s that Jujutsu fans display so brazenly and nakedly the crass vulgarity of what fandom is at its core, and that this makes me uncomfortable. Maybe they are the DBZ fans and Batman fans of the mid 2020s, though personally I don’t remember either of those being this annoying.

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throughout the i’d win and you’re strong, i alone am the overwhelming intensity. fire in the hole!

on everything we dont care dawg
my mans is an otaku elitist :sob: