Morock Solos your favourite Arcane Character frfr

Stronger Curse, but Torren would use his Darkflame Curse more since he’s actually just insane. Morrock, meanwhile, clings to their sanity.

If Morock could solo Theos, then he’s really lazy, considering all that he could do.

all fun and games until i make an oc with a supercurse from 3 grand fire magics
(assuming torren has been retconned and warren is a curse user)

Gonna be the first to put an Arcane in space.

Morock at the very minimum can beat existence and nothingness, theos is like a pebble on Morock’s path to soloing every single verse

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yeah uh


It is a little bit weird that this god power is also a magic, but nobody can have it unless they get it through the genetics of morock.

Damn. Not even morock could solo

Morock should be like Torren where he somehow exists as this super strong guy, even without his strength.
I’m all for sea curses taking a sideline in power over time like this.

me watching aa lore slowly get gentrified

at this point the webcomic is literally its own thing now with how much vetex has diverged from the original lore, honestly for the better

but how tf was durza WEAKER during aa? theos being weaker makes sense but durza being weaker makes no sense. not only does he not age but he ditched his physical body, and if that made him weaker that’s actually stupid. is this soft confirmation that the world boom attack he did actually used up the magics/curses he had at the time?? cause that’s the only way I could justify him being weaker

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I lovemwebcomic aa loreee
AR solos modern AA lore.

Vetex was a better writer when he was a high 14 year old with a dream and a taste for One Piece.


Vetex has said that AA lore would have to be completely rewritten at some point
it was a mess and we all know that

yeah the modernization of AA lore feels like movies (especially the MCU) trying to modernize/realistic-ize superhero outfits, sometimes simpler and goofier is better. granted it comes down to opinion and in my case it’s probably largely nostalgia and the webcomic being GOATED

but honestly to me new AA/AO lore doesn’t really have as much charm to it, maybe cause it feels like it’s taking itself too seriously (circling back to my superhero outfit analogy). though maybe it’s also just exhaustion from the lore being more volatile than balance changes

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Morock finally lost, to the retcon beam…

The only one who could take him out of this world was the one who put him in it.

It was a mess, but a glorious mess


skittles might’ve underestimated vetex a bit too much now

“With my promethean flame curse nobody can challenge me!”
Vetex, preparing his retcon beam:

Vetex put a banana peel in front on him while he was on a boat…

Truly, the most powerful arcane character