Morock Solos your favourite Arcane Character frfr

No? I mean if you read anything, you’d soon learn that Morock and Cursebeard didn’t fight, because Morock was more interested in being a pirate. Cursebeard was only ever a secondary goal guided to him by the will of his curse.

Durza is outright STATED to have stayed a sea away from Theos at all times.

So the user of the most powerful sea curse needed help to sink 400 ships?

Freedrock solos tho because his curse is legit dying and coming back 2x stronger. Unless morock can take curses he has no chance on defeating him.


nah it definetly wasnt 2x, that would be way too high, he just became “significantly” stronger.
Either that or it just prevetented him from dieing :man_shrugging:

If he was THAT strong, he probably would just kill Durza himself instead of training the PK

L logic lol
“heh… he needed his special powers to do this…,??? heh… my senpai only need his powers to do that… lolz!!”

Oh you meant it like that. What are you even on about lol. I said that because the arrival of Valencia caused Morock to power up to finish her, collapsing his ship in the process, Morock had well already destroyed 400 ships.

He was depressed, doubt he had any will to do so

Freedrock could actually scale well past Morock or Cursebeard if it wasn’t for the mental strain it took on him.

Well, we’ve seen what happened to Freedrock the first time he met a GFC wielder. (cough TORREN cough)

Morock could probably continuously death loop him, but its a situation where neither have conflicting goals, so it’s probably never happening.

If Freedrock could eventually multiply past the obstacles imposed by the power and even the effects of the GFC, he could win.

(I cant find the image but vetex completely retconned darkflame)

yeah, but the idea that freedrock could get put in an infinite death loop until he eventually surpasses it (or doesnt, never states Freedrock becomes more durable, just stronger) is very real.

torren was also already horrendously overpowered even before having darkflame (however the retcon curse caught up to him)


Thank you for confirming my argument? Very kind of you

I’m coming in as a complete outsider here (never played aa, and don’t know the lore well) but didn’t durza destroy around 80% of the world, putting 156 million square miles into an endless torment of a superstorm of magic energy? That seems like a larger feat than destroying 400 wooden boats of unnamed type. (it could literally be 300 sailboats and caravels + 100 brigs)

exactly bro

Debunked the strength needed to do this several times, but the tldr is that the lore doc implies he hit a tectonic plate and unknowingly caused forced tectonic shift

puppy trying his best to forget that i completely debunked him on this point:

we had a 50 message argument about this, thats not how tectonic plates work

and no you didn’t, you just changed the topic to avoid the massive hole in your logic

And got his ass beat by someone who doesnt compare to morock

Wouldn’t that just cause a very large, but still temporary earthquake? That doesent explain the fact that 156 MILLION square miles are still full of raw, unstable magic energy, and has not dissipated even after hundreds of years.