Morock Solos your favourite Arcane Character frfr

Okay, ignoring how you went silent when your point went to
“teeny tiny pieces”, when this is very OBVIOUSLY DEBUNKED by the existence of Mt. Othrys, Mt. Olympus and the Aegean Sea all remaining in stable positions, even after the blast which would completely not be the case if “tectonic shatter” (which was your point" was true.

Nice lie, but again you’re the one who doesnt know how tectonic plates work lol.

That is the leftover earth that is not habitable.
Humans only live in small Sea Clusters, the Dark Sea Islands are just the remnants of land and places post shift.

Yknow tetonic plates shifts dont just disintegrate land right?
It was a massive explosion

Do you think that morock has enough magic energy to do the same exact thing?

are you fucking stupid…

You can’t “disintegrate” land, the mass has to go somewhere.

Magic Energy? Absolutely.
I think what you meant to say was catalyst/ability which is complicated.

The Promethean Fire wouldn’t shift continents, so much as it would raze the earth of habitable land and life. (oh and use the scorch aspect of the Promethean Curse to destroy entire regions)

Read my original argument, aka. the one you are avoiding yourself.
I’m not repeating myself for someone who can’t read.

wallahi its over for you.

The Absorption Curse is Not Like us.
gg wp, try beating a bandit before challenging the big guys :sob:

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Thats pretty much the case considering the explosion left the earth as a giant sea with a few tiny islands

As said above, the land was just either submerged or is actively in the Dark Sea, but is just unable to be touched without the magic energy and Chaos getting to you

this is so fun to read LOL


Now being realistic.
Do you think kid vetex really meant for most land to be anything other than vaporized?

anytime I get into an argument i just imagine the ichigo scream and begin hallucinating that im in hueco muendo and im in an edit

Yes…? The Epicenter? Vetex wanting to include real life locations such as mountains which wouldn’t possibly exist if the arguments of puppykeeper were true…?

Look im not saying there arent chuncks of land all across the globe.
There simply isnt one big enough to be considered a continent

Where tf is the argument going

Yeah, because those are underwater (imagine zealandia on a larger scale)
But most land would realistically still exist above water, enough to be comparable to things like indonesia

To wherever victory guides me

wai wah
how do you quote somethin from another topic, did i do it wrong?

just quote it or link it/copy the result u get from quoting it

Yall feel free to keeep arguing against me, I’ll be in bed and i’ll answer this sh tomorrow

Leaving this here so when you wake up you’ll get jumpscared