really only created this to get some reknown before jumping into AO
I will be nominating a new forumer every month for the most craziest forumer of that month
contact me if you want to nominate somebody
note: always dramatized
current ones:
Alright so I want to do something that probably nobody has done before to become famous within the arcane community.
To do this I must collect the most deranged forumers of every month.
Basically if you want to put someone up for submission just message me
This months most insane forumer is…
[Profile - Cryopunk - Arcane Odyssey - Google Chrome 8_24_2022 3_05_18 AM (2)]
from my understanding of cryopunk he joined a day before I did and is probably insane
also heres a list of sma…
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August 24, 2022, 8:09am
ok… when are we doing most cutest forumers…
Ill do that too if you want me to
when is it my turn i caused the fortnite tilted towers bombing
they added gay vegan furry goku to fortnite
i was involved in this too
starfordays is first on the list
im already putting in a vote for misinput for cutests
whatever happened to september’s most insane
What about me? I’m surprised.