Mr_hyperspace rants about how he hates the meta and you shouldn’t use it

One of my favorite things about ao has always been the ability to use non viable builds, with a high enough skill cieling that they can actually beat metamancers.

So when I see some shill say “ATTACK SPEED IS MANDATORY” or “WARRIOR AND MAGE ARE THE ONLY VIABLE CLASSES” a part of my soul dies. I need you to understand this, the meta, is volatile. One moment thermo fist is on top of the world, undefeatable (unless you actually understand it cough) and 3 updates later it’s practically unusable. The reason I despise the meta and never use it is because it never lasts, the balance trello has an entire category called “addressing the meta” where they nerf whatever is good right now into the ground, only to buff it again 2 updates later. My metal conjurer has never been nerfed throughout its entir existence, because I’ve always avoided candidates for nerfing, and I would recommend you all do the same.

(Note, I specifically exclude lightning conj from “non meta” as its generic as hell. Good day)

worst part is when you find a fun niche build and then check the balance doc and see that like 46% of players complained about it and it’s getting killed the next patch

(cough cough agility)

100% of pvpers they interviewed (which make up 20% of the player base) in their non biased balancing discord server

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you think it’s generic because it’s popular
i think it’s popular because it’s cool
we are not the same

also wait are you implying lightning conjurer isn’t strong rn

Never said it isn’t strong, I’m saying it’s not META.

i don’t even know what’s meta rn except prob warrior lol

fym mage is viable :sob:
i play fire mage and that shit gets overtaken by fucking everything else

*Because vetex complained about it (he’s the one that doesn’t want agility to be used for running)

if you exclude bug abusing builds mages are perfectly viable

yeah if you use a good synergy or something
when your first magic is fire (which i am not swapping, even though i know it’s bad) it is not all that viable

fire is perfectly fine lmao

kid named clashrates:

and? fire is perfectly fine rn, it’s not in as bad as a spot as other things

the clashrates are horrible dawg it wins 4 clashes

like what? (vitality builds dont count cause theyre unfinished)

bro has never seen nim in an Elysium, bro is the definition of meta fire mage

who is nim
oh yeah and i havent even mentioned the fact that fire cant attack underwater

some meta mage who runs like 150 power and a questionable amount of size

magic waterproofing will be added for heat magics but it will take a while

i run 1.15k defense, 120 power, and 100 speed

exactly that, itll take a while. in the meantime i can complain about it not being usable underwater

how does this affect the fact that code geass is the greatest anime ever created?