Mr_hyperspace rants about how he hates the meta and you shouldn’t use it

“how does this affect the bull trout population?”

significantly, because anytime i hear a mentally stunted individual say code geass isnt the greatest piece of fiction ever conceived, I fly into a fit of rage in the nearest body of water i find and begin to brutally assault the fish

what if they add morock to code geass

then my life purpose will be completed

that or if we ever get an arcane game set in the future with cool ass mechs and tech stuff that would also satisfy my being

we should get a battle with cernunno where its a giant earth golem animated with the earth curse and you have to fight it like corpse of king minos
when you beat the golem then cernunno comes down and fights you like minos prime

cursebeard vs durza with the earth curse :drooling_face:

durza shitting in cursebeards mouth

This is peak reply. Everyone can go home we solved the forums

Ah, free, at last…
Oh king admiral, now dawns thy reckoning.
And thy gore shall GLISTEN! Before the cult of greenwish.
Legacy, my gratitude upon thee for my freedom. But the crimes thy kind have commited (trying to un-fatherless my son) are NOT forgotten, and thy punishment, is death!

immediately throws self off arena with dash move

Mage is only “Viable” to you if you haven’t played mage.

There’s literally an entire topic about how metal powermaxxingmage is overpowered, mage in certain situations is absolutely meta.

(Actually also windmage is permanently meta cuz of knockback and drowning but that’s too funny to be nerfed)

If you pick wind mage, you’ve earned the privelage to make people go wee.

omg i love that guy (girl? i think they have a girl avatar) i see him in elysiums all the time

When I was in elysium once there was a wind mage who threw people im to the exit portal whenever they spawned in. Truly a based class

windmage with “drowning”? elaborate

Throwing people into the ocean too far away to get back before drowning

mr_hyperspace comeback era :medal_sports:


the heck am i coming back from, ive always hated the meta

you a goat now