My friend just died

I’m absolute horseshit at giving condolences, but… May she rest in peace, is all I will say to avoid saying something dumb.


Sorry for your loss. I’m not the best with advice but if I was to give you some, try and take some time to get over it. Don’t isolate yourself from others. Accept your emotions. Know it’s okay to grieve, or be sad, frightened, or any negative emotions. The pain won’t go away if you ignore it. The death of a close friend is hard to deal with, so if it helps seek out help.



may your friend rest in peace and all of their relatives, friends, and you well

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I’m sorry.

May they rest in peace.

Take it easy buddy, loss is hard, especially when it’s someone you’ve known for a long time. I don’t have a lot of experience when it comes to things like this, but spending time with friends and family can help a lot.


I hope it’ll get better for you.
Loss fucking sucks.

I’ve been in that pit before.
Its awful, I hope you can climb out of it.

Stay close to those you care about and talk about it.
Don’t do what I did and just sit in silence hoping it’ll get better on its own.


Not trying to sound like an asshole, but to this day, I cannot understand why people share stuff like this on the forums. Telling of a grievous loss to complete strangers on the internet is kinda…

idk, wish the best for you, never experienced such loss myself so anything else I say might seem insensitive.


Idk, maybe telling people and getting support can help them cope.


Telling people online is much easier to do over face to face interactions, meaning it’s much easier to get direct support with the least amount of stress in exchange. Using forums or other communication sites is becoming a massive help in recovering mental health or helping people get through stressful stuff. It’s also much easier to get much more support than in face to face interactions.

and for @Broly, I can’t help directly but I have a small bit of counseling experience and if you ever wanna talk just DM me. (I don’t know if I’ll be on at the time, but if I don’t respond, just assume I’m asleep. I’ll respond the second I wake up or if I just missed it.) I’ve been told I’m easy to talk to and vent to, so maybe I can help distract you from your “dark pit.” I can’t stress enough though, take time from doing anything stressful, and if it’s bad enough I suggest taking leave from school or work for just a day or two to let everything sink in and mourn. On paper it sounds really blunt, but I promise you it helps to just get other things out of your mind. Really hope you can find your light again. :pray:


I have absolutely no experience in cheering someone up, but I do hope you will get better. You can do it. I believe in you man :peace_symbol:

For now, here’s some cute puppy pictures to hopefully make you feel better


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Sorry for your loss, that’s really sad to hear.

I don’t exactly know what to say, other than I wish you luck. It’s definitely a tough feeling, but you can get over it and recover, don’t let it take you.

I thought that it was just a joke and/or it was in-game
dunno man but stay good

that’s really sad man and I really feel sorry for you
just go and watch some cute cat vids or puppies that makes me happy (and it did when someone like that died)

My deep sympathies, loss can be tough to deal with especially with someone who was close. Move on, take your time if you need to slow down a bit. Having dealt with many losses and nearly myself, cherish every moment with friends and family as one day they may be gone. Don’t dwell on negative emotions but remember them as a person who has made you happy and continue to live your life to the fullest. Make others happy just as your friend would have done and continue to be a good friend to the friends and family in the present for the future to come. If you need to talk to someone about I would be happy to but if you feel like you need a rest then do so as these circumstances can be very taxing on your mental health.

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Damn mate, you have my condolences.

While it won’t magically fix everything, do take solace in that quite a few of us here have gone through shit like this as well.
We understand how ya feel and know that it fucking sucks.
I don’t normally talk about this shit but lemme share a bit of what I’ve experienced.
( I’ve been through a lot of traumatic shit and am currently dealing with a lot of traumatic shit, ( which is why I haven’t been very active recently ) plus I don’t want to write an entire book so I’ll be keeping this somewhat brief. )

My 8 year old sister die of various complications that she had from birth when I was 7.
Granted she had been taken away from us since we couldn’t give her the help she needed, when I was still a toddler so I didn’t have any memories of her.
Regardless that shit hurt, especially since I saw my mother break down over it.
I also had to cope with my grandma dieing due to a heart attack caused by overdosing.
Which happened not even 24 hours after I went back home after being at her place to visit.
FYI this happened only a couple months after my sister died, so yeah…
When I was around 12, I watched 1 of my cats die a painful death by what we think was poison and had to put it in a trash bag and dig it a shallow grave.
A couple years later I watched another one of our cats die.
This time by suicide by jumping out of the bed of a truck going 60mph down the highway / interstate.
I could’ve stopped her but due to certain circumstances It wasn’t medically advisable.

Anyhow the point being, I feel ya mate.
Dealing with loss is rarely easy.
Take the good advice that others have kindly shared here, take it easy for awhile and take the time you need to process and cope with this.
Don’t push yourself beyond your limits, if you do it’ll do shit to you that just about no one should ever have to experience.


I am sorry.

Don’t give up, though getting through this is hard you can do it. No matter what, you’re in this together with your friends, family, and welp from the looks of it, the support of the forumers. We can help you get through this, stay strong.

Don’t give up.

Ah, also good luck.


it really does warm my heart that the forum comes to support in these situations.
I was in a bad situation before as well, and a lot of forumers came to help.
Same here.
Really one of the best places on the internet.


wow thanks guys

I feel better now reading these replies

I am coming to accept that she’s gone now, we even had her funeral

again thanks all for the support


I have found my own way of dealing with it, but thanks for the help anyway


glad you found an outlet :pray:

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