My story with helios and their bad ganking

not like i saw more than 2 people on low hp, also seriously, kick that warrior, u gotta have a major skill issue to miss a stationary person that 5 studs away

oh ya, i was 100% planning to gank u guys back, sadly u guys cant fight without stading in air

Dude I’m a mage

what kind of mage :face_with_monocle:


OOOOH, so u were the electric mage that missed me

ah nvm, well u rlly are bad at aiming cause i didnt even saw a explosion spell

Prolly blind


let me guess

you use ash as your second magic.

nah man, the only threat was the warlock, i could just had play seriously and try to actually dodge instead of parrying, and it took u guys some time to kill me, all that i did was to challenge the warrior at a 1v1, the warlock already did like 90% of the dmg before u guys came, twice


There was no warlock

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atleast isnt magma/iron, but please get a life, not everyone cares about renown like u guys do

I mean


I’ll give you points for creativity

rad is a explosion thermo fist warlock

hear me out but thermo crystal got me acting up :weary: :smirk:

This isn’t first release. They ain’t good anymore

dude just called thermo first not good

Magma Iron mage?

oh i meant that u were creative and didnt go magma/iron