My story with helios and their bad ganking

I have no idea what you 2 are talking about anymore ngl :sob:

also i hope u realize i will instantly attack every helios member

me too, im just waiting for this guy to cry in my post about something, idk he will find a reason


Helios and Apollo’s Dominion are 2 gigantic shit stains on the legacy of Eu players, they’re all shit and extremely egotistical, but they’re the most well known European clans unfortunately… please do not confuse them with actually good Eu players…

Out of their combined 100+ players there’s like only 2 that are noteworthy :sleeping_bed:

@Krystel you used to be the goat what happened :pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

I wish I wasn’t in a cave entrance so I could get popcorn while reading this thread

dont worry, im aware they suck, they ganked me twice, and twice the warlock did 90% of the dmg, the warrior keep missing, the electric mage missed a lot, the kryte guy says he was a explosion mage but ive never saw his spells, and only the explosion thermo fist guy was the danger, i wont be surprise if the thermo guy was the synydcate one

to add, that was before silverhood, i had my spawnpoint set

kyle is an explosion mage indeed, but I don’t really remember what his 2nd magic is he doesn’t use it very often

P.S: Kyle this used to be us…and now you join the opps??? I thought I could trust WL not to ally with the opposition but I guess not :pensive:

i guess that kryte was cool, i still never saw his explosions spells, given i had no hope and mostly tried to parry due to the warlock

I didn’t really read too much into detail but from what I can tell you got jumped by helios donnies right? It’s in their tradition to never 1v1 or even 2v1 anyone, they always show up in groups of 4 or 3, very rarely it would be 2. They simply cannot win 1v1s :sleeping_bed:

P much if you have any significant amount of renown and you see multiple helios people join you just leave or call in your own goon squad to help you out

ya, said to warrior to 1v1, i saw the helios join but i atleast hoped he would be fair, as i said only the warlock was the problem, not the first time i get ganked by them, pretty sure that clan once or multiple time ganked me and made me to lose huge ammount of fame

also, i have some people that can help me, one haves like a total of 3k+ kills across the files, guy is absolutly craked

the only person supporting the helios guy is another guy from the ganking, man :skull:

Imma be honest elment but youd lose to atleast half of active helios members :sob:

I’ve shat on so many helios members and shat on so so many apollo members, additionally I’ve beaten a lot of players apollo never could and helios is way shitter than most of apollo; the only helios member that was better at me at any point was duck, but even that was ages ago and I became way better. You dk me buddy…

and yes I am fully aware of your :rat: behaviour mrrat7…


Exper is the Helios leader

Only duck knows who you are in helios bro😭
Who have you even fought besides duck
Also no, helios is on average better than apollo. Especially when it comes to helios’s best members vs apollo’s. Duck is also def still better than you

Aren’t u wl. White lotus r allies with helios

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Felix and some other irrelevant goons I didn’t really bother remembering

Is that why apollo always had a KDR higher than Helios in wars and why 95% of Helios donnies can’t 1v1 or they lose and why it’s objectively more challenging to fight any apollo fodder than any helios fodder?

Duck is probably better than me right now because I quit the game weeks ago, but no chance when I was still playing, I can beat people like Bloxxultra, MegaBloxxer, patrickvirag, inteqz, etc. Please name at least 4 helios or even apollo shitters that can beat any of those people consistently :sleeping_bed: