My story with helios and their bad ganking

i need context, waht happened in vetcord?

history is written by the ridden, not the riders

bro that sounds so weird :sob:

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Ok but he has a kink for aliens hes not my breed

ok so they kill you and then leave when they’d be put at a severe disadvantage? seems like a mad issue on your part lmao

oh no, they cant run and airstall and actually have to block, parry and dodge, and fight? like cmon, it was still a 1v4

nah, i’m pretty sure that it was the post that key lost it again and was permabanned. the one about some guy’s takes on pvp.

crazy day, wasn’t it?

(unless if the deleted posts in the casual thread had something else in it)


i like how this devolved into a helios vs apollo pissing contest


airstalling is a major part of pvp :skull: what’s next, are we gonna shame people for attacking?

he does not know the balance change, i cant wait for people to not be able to airstall as effective so they actually need to pvp instead of going into their safety place and attacking from there

yeah yeah whatever, whats happening next month didn’t change what happened this month. Just get better at running ngl

u do realize there were 4 people, which only the warlock dealt dmg, also how was running gonne help me then?

just wondering but does helios gank in asia? i’ve never been ganked by them

What is Helios? A clan?

No it’s a Las Vegas medical clinic that does braces

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theyre eu based not asia so they never gank in asia

oh i need braces can u tell me their phone number

They are probably a bit closed after last news…

bro i’ve ran from many groups in my time. I ran from 3 navy admirals and a guy with like 1 million fame and 500 player kills in old palo town once. You’re just ass lmao