Needed clarity on what the Max level be?

As a savant, the most coveted thing is how you distribute stat points. I keep hearing that the max level will be 600. if this is true, the stats I planned out aren’t possible and I have to rethink what to do with my build?

IIRC 600 was when the story would be complete, i think it may have still been 1000 just that 600 was the stories end

(so 1200 points)

(at level 600, 2000 at level 1000)

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if you have trouble planning stats, why not try using a ratio instead of exact numbers? it should work no matter the amount of points as long as it’s a multiple of 10

nobody knows for sure rn
everything people think is hearsay
lvl cap is not confirmed to be anything

Vetex said closer to 600 between it and 1000, I’m crossing my fingers we end up with something like 750, it would make sense if each sea is 125 levels which based on the QnA that seems to be the case, but that could easily not be the case as well.

when ao is finished and it starts dying. vetex uncap level and i become legendary beast atlantean

I don’t think that vetex cares about AO dying or not, probably when he finished AO and moved on another project, he either uncapped the level or stay as it is

Yup, it’s going to be around 600. Maybe not exactly 600, but close. That said, as some have noted, that may just be the max level at the end of the storyline. Though truthfully, I doubt the “real max level” is going to be 400 hecking levels above the standard max.