New enchantment scroll: "Empty Scroll"

New enchantment scroll: "Empty Scroll"
effort 4.125 8 quality 4.3 10 reasonability 4.0 10

The mix-up (dual) enchantments were received with the 1.14 Dark Sea update were fairly mediocre to say the least. They lack crucial versatility literally every other enchantment has because of of how few possible combinations exist. To solve this issue, I present: Empty Scrolls
Empty scroll

The item would allow you to ‘equip’ two compatible rare scrolls together through this item to combine their stats and appearance. Both targeted scroll’s enchantment names should also be merged together as “[First enchantment name] and [Second enchantment name] enchantment scroll” (Ex: Strong and Swift enchantment scroll). It is required both enchantment scrolls have at least one compatible target (Ex: both items at least work on Armor). So you wouldn’t be able to create useless empty scrolls which doesn’t work on anything (ex: A sturdy & strong enchantment would have no shared compatible targets). A complete empty scroll’s enchantments would have 12.5% less efficiency if used on armor pieces

A: The item would have a base galleon value of 150 galleons. While a completed one would be 350 galleons (to make the item not really expensive to trade compared to other scrolls)
B: It would have base value of 200 galleons. Becoming 600 galleons completed (since you’ve put two enchanted scrolls on it, their value could be added onto the item)
C: Scroll would just be value 200 galleons at all times

All currently existing ‘Hasty’ and ‘Charged’ enchantment scrolls should either be transformed into ‘Empty’ scrolls, or just outright removed. Items which previously had ‘Hasty’ or ‘Charged’ enchantments on could either
A: Keep their enchantment and unique name. This could introduce them to the marketplace as unique unobtainable items

B: If the item has “Hasty” enchantment, it would be renamed into ‘Swift and Nimble [item name]’, Otherwise ‘Strong and Amplified [item name]’. And have their stats toned down by 6.25% to match that of rare scrolls.

A incomplete empty scroll would have a description roughly like this:
“A scroll containing no enchantment, it appears you can combine two [something inferring to rare enchantments] together to combine their effects.”

A completed empty scroll’s description would be like this:
A scroll containing one [first enchantment name] and [second enchantment name] enchantment. When clicked on in the inventory, it can be applied to one compatible item, causing the scroll to be used up.

Mock-up image of how a “Hard and Swift” enchantment could appear in your inventory:
Item scroll concept

A complete empty scroll would not be usable on weapons or shovels, even if the scroll’s both enchantments are compatible due to the way Vetex chose to handle their enchantments.
empty scroll concept



C Every combination of 2 enchantments would lead to a new name, so we wouldnt have to change the likes of charged and swift while also adding more cosmetic names


I know this. However I assume it would be too much effort coming up with completley unique names for the 20 new possible enchantments you can create with this system. So I thought it would be more convenient having the game just add the first enchantment’s name plus the second one’s


i feel like this would make T2 scrolls worthless tho because you could just combine their T1 counterparts and it would be just as efficient as a T2 scroll (for example 2 strong hard scrolls is the same as a powerful and armoured one)

They’re idea is to outright remove tier 2 scrolls and rework them into this

ooh nvm then this is a good suggestion

Sounds like a decent idea

It is clearly stated in the introduction the ambition is to replace Charged and Hasty enchantment scrolls

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In that manner it will indeed be just as good as any armored & powerfull scroll would be. But it doesn’t really matter, since lost scrolls would be obtained the same way as the other exotic enchantment scrolls (from dark sealed chests), in which every enchantment scroll already shares the same droprate

This would help to diversify builds, while still keeping a level of randomness to the scrolls (since you still need the right rare scrolls.)

Wouldn’t 4 Powerful and Armored scrolls have the same efficiency as 2 powerful and 2 armored?

no thanks

why? Can you at least tell us your reasoning for why you’re so against it?

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no thanks :stuck_out_tongue:


No. purely due to the way the enchantment turns them into one. It’s the same way hasty is implemented right now. The hasty enchantment takes the nimble and swift enchantment, puts them into one enchantment at the cost of a 0.9375 multiplier. Charged on the other hand boosts strong a bit, while giving less intensity compared to amplified. So depending on the way it would be implemented it’d be either more power, less defense or the other way around. Besides that i think that there’ll be a limit on what people can fuse due to their importance as primary, secondary or tertiary stats

I like this.
if this change will be implemented it’ll give more possible varieties in the stats even if there are limited gear sets. It’ll even allow for people to finetune their geareven more, getting a precise percentage on their stat boost, or hitting that agility requirement exactly, while not losing out on other stats too much. Perhaps it’ll even allow for people to multispec into 4 (or even 5) different stats.

this is actually straight-up wrong, hybrid T2 scrolls like Hasty and Charged are 9% more efficient than pure T2 scrolls like Armored or Powerful :nerd_face:

which is why a hybrid Strong/Hard scroll or hybrid Bursting/Hard (with atl essence) scroll would just be ridiculously meta and we would enter a world where nobody runs anything else

you want build diversity? giving people more ways to fine-tune their builds is not the method, you’re just going to get clones of the same perfectly tuned stats

You would gain the same results by just putting a lot of armored and explosive scrolls on your gear though?

nah not how it works, quick comparison:
1 agile + 1 brisk level 140: 36 agility 36 speed
2 hard + 2 swift level 140: 42 agility 42 speed
2 hasties level 140: 38 agility 38 speed

same holds true for all other stats

to make it work you need to increase the tone down from 6.25% to 12.5%