NEW HALLOWEEN EVENT.. SOYY... (discussion)(insanely grindy)

anyone else have this issue? :cold_sweat: :face_holding_back_tears: :pleading_face:

turn off all your inventory filters

The best part of the update is that there is an orb to ponder

just incase anyone is curious/ wanted to farm candies to have for funsies

as of two minutes, i have obtained an acrimony

also farming argos fucking sucks just fight carina you get candy nearly twice as fast

that’s on you bruh why would you rush to finish in one day the 1-month-long event

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also Galaga talked about candy amounts for other activities in patreon, they’re actually really worth doing now imo

how much do we get per sealed chest for ship sinkage

Cuz speed run (/j)

I am an AO player I have to play the game for as little time as possible while also achieving my goals

Oh yeah I forgot that when I was grinding calvus for candy, he managed to make such a loud sound that my headphones didn’t register it for a second and when they did it properly hurt my ears. I remembered because they are still hurting a little bit about 17 hours later.

So if anyone else is going to be fighting him for candy, turn your volume down a bit

This should be what you’re referring to (it happens when he breaks his chandelier)

Yes it was in fact that. But for some reason it was much louder than when he normally does it. Maybe he broke both at the same time or something.

Likely the case since he only broke one in this clip, I’ll try to get him to break both at once (maybe his charged pillar could do it?)

Ok but make sure to turn down your volume when you do it. You should know that something is different if there is almost a solid second of near complete silence before the actual loud sound happens

am I literally the only person on the arcane odyssey forum to actually like Arcane Odyssey

Like genuinely you lot just seem like you just don’t like ao. The event is totally fine given that it’s an event (which you have over a month to do). It doesn’t take that long, you guys just actually don’t like Arcane Odyssey


There are only so few strengths for every flaws that make their way into the game though, besides, we already know why we’re playing Arcane Odyssey in the first place.

nah the games pretty good tbh aside from small stuff like the dark sea being a bit boring after the first time but really the main issue is just that there’s not too much in terms of content after finishing what we have so far


I still like it.
There is a reason why I’m complaining about is king calvus using his 500! 500! 500! attack directly on my ears rather than anything about the actual event