New item (Soap)

New item (Soap)
effort 2.8 5 quality 4.125 8 reasonability 4.769230769230769 13

also nobody goes to 2+ range its useless (alone)

I went there alone but still a level 200 alantean still poses a threat to a small group because of the attack size and damage it can do 125s vs a level 200 is a big jump in power

yes but if you’re in a group then you can run to brig/ledge while other people cover for you

im mean yea but still you might be low and water poisoning gets you

or the island is kinda big

then if you can’t find a ledge make one bruh what build can’t tear hole in rock at this point

it works on Structures prob not ledges unless I test it (I prob won’t) because I want armored and power scrolls

finding a structure if your brig is far is unreliable tbh

bro it works if you’re under something thats it

read it

bro just make a hole in the wall

structure bro

structure right there

buddy this wiki wasn’t made by vetexgames you can just make a hole and it works fine

well idk man

BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thats not always 100% accurate

exactly and I do (just arguing about this bec ik he wont add soap)

well its not like I take the wiki VERY SERIOUSLY in terms of info

plus 1 last thing even if you are in a fight you ain’t gonna be going towards a structure wall or making a hole other wise you are gonna get comboed or get hit most of the times even if it clears it quick

what’s wrong with soap?