New item (Soap)

New item (Soap)
effort 2.8 5 quality 4.125 8 reasonability 4.769230769230769 13

things are heating up in the soap fandom

it doesn’t fit the gane

And poison you again lmao

throw it at a clan member or a leaderboard player for a CRITICAL HIT!

we already have baths in the brig

nah really I didn’t know

what ledges count as “shelter” is hella janky, im not relying on that


If you are physically under ANYTHING that covers your head, like a cave or a broken roof, it will stop the poisoning

I went under the brig room and still haven’t cleared it

bro thats not what I meant it means a rock etc

and if your under the brig room just use the bath bruh

the brig is an exception that doesn’t clear it because the bath is right there

Finally, I don’t have to look disgusting for my entire playthrough until I can afford a brig.

but still you ain’t gonna go under a structure or rock to clear it while in a fight you are just kinda getting cornered if you do that a structure depends but still it isn’t really reliable and breaking a a hole in the wall while in a fight is cornering yourself

ok well the amount of time its going to take with soap wouldn’t be different

well atleast you don’t have to find a structure and break a wall you can use it without finding something or breaking something just find a safe place or dash and use it

in the middle of battle and you just pull out a bar of soap

hes not gonna add it

stop doubting bro its a good item with good reasons behind it being added

This quote needs the arcane forum quote of the year

This whole thread proves AO players don’t want hygiene