New Pokémon Games Opinions?

i defo hear y’all and i’m trying not to get overhyped while still being in the loop

as far as the legendaries go, i love the designs, even if goofy. my only problem (if you can call it that) is that Scarlet (i forget the name) has wheels but clearly runs. i actually love that it runs and climbs, giving it what i feel is a more natural, all-terrain feel, however the goofy-ah wheels are distracting to say the least. i don’t have anything on Violet since i don’t plan on getting it lol

as far as mechanics go, i don’t like terra very much but oooo sparklyyyyyy. please just give me more megas tho

using the pokémon as vehicles looks like it’s going to be so much fun and I’m pretty certain it will be like Rotom (an “accessory/utility” pokémon not part of our party). interaction is certainly a point of bonding and i hope to see a lot of that between the character and our pokémon (utility and party members)

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I’m sorry son:


Looks great, but the graphics look…slightly off? I don’t know how to explain it well, but to me it looks like a very graphically detailed game being played on a really low-end laptop.

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le chonk

that is literally the only thing i know about the new games

A bulky looking ice type.

It’s fate is sealed…

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cetitan looks like a fun pokémon i hope to see a lot in the anime

Probably won’t exist in vgc sadly

i wonder if it has a second type, cause it kinda looks like a fish

Nope it’s a mino ice type

I’m not interested in playing the games but I keep seeing people talking about which characters are hot and I don’t get it
Their faces are so nondescript

valid, but i’ve always been engaged in the story and mechanics of a region, which i know it’s a pokémon game but the lore is akways fun

i dont like the new faces a lot personally but everything else is pretty hype

terastal gimmick pretty neat too

i’ve heard a lot ab the faces n such and i kind of agree. i’ve said it hefore, but i definitely think they should simplify to something more like persona 5 and have character portraits instead

btw there is a secret terestal form that we didn’t see in the trailer

the poison type one

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also a new pokemon :flushed:

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i feel like they’re too descript (the eyes at least)

agreed, i liked the swsh faces more

While I agree that it does look like a bulky ice type I don’t think it’s abilities are to be brushed over. Thick Fat can make it extra tanky and Slushed Rush can turn it into a sweeper, kinda like Mega Swampert with Swift Swim. Only Hail is a pretty effective weather condition since it damages pokemon that aren’t ice types.

I think it had potential, won’t write it off completely until I see it’s moves and stats.