New Spell type: Constant Beams!




Iā€™ve tried suggesting this before, and now it gets proper recognition. I like that this is finally happening. Thank you, good sir/maā€™am/whatever you may identify as.

85 votes so quickly. I like it.

I think this should just be how multi beams should work instead.


Im bread

dam, reminds me of lightā€™s old ult from aa

Wow congrats on 93 votes. Havenā€™t seen that ever while on here.

So basically you want dbz in the gameā€¦ I mean I donā€™t mind that Dbz was the shit growin up. Meh Iā€™ll take the vote but as long as the clashes can be some Giant ass clash like gohan and cell

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Who the fuck is visan?

Visan is some pvper, would say more if i knew what to say. Iā€™m not too into the pvp community but all I know is that heā€™s probably good

Lol I can probably rinse him but whatevs

yooo 99 votes pog lets get another vote

thatā€™s exactly what I said :nod:

@archrono Iā€™m 100th vote ez

Heā€™s one of the best pvpers along with Orion

Cap and Orion?

At one point he was considered the best pvper


Bruh wdym, itā€™s not cap. Ask anyone from when they still played a bunch

And how tf am I just hearing about this?

Bcs Visan and Orion havent played in a few months since they took a break until AO. No-one has a reason to talk about them since they havenā€™t been playing