New Spell type: Constant Beams!

this is my first suggestion ever so i hope to do it right

New Beam spell type

So my suggestion consists of something im kinda anoyed of, beam attacks are currently pretty cool, but in terms of beams theyre not very like an actual beam attack, more like a very cool projectile attack, so my proposal consists on making a new type of beam attack that is actually like a dbz Beam

How would it work?

It would work pretty much like you imagine it, a constant beam that tears down the enemies health in exchange of burning all youre mana points, pretty simple in terms of understanding what it is, pretty sure coding that into roblox would kill anybody

Visual Example


Why do i Think Think This should be added

I think this would be a great feature because currently, beams are pretty much not that different from normal projectile attacks, i mean beams are much cooler- but thats not my point, my point is that i would like to see beam attacks with more unique features so they can be more Different from the normal projectile spells

(i really hope this was already planned or smth)

i voted myself accidently and i want to die

You get a vote for the animation alone


Uh, neat

so a kamehameha


Yeah who does not want to blast their enemies with giant life ending lasers :ok_hand:

Maybe beam size could actually matter with this spell?

yeah probably yes

Constant solid beam hehe. Cool idea tho I cant really critique on balancing or the application of this in the game. Nice animation too hehe

Goku has entered the chat

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feel like this been suggested already but aight


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As for the suggestion… N i c e


Thank you so much

This would be such a good feature for pve and it could possibly work to snake in finishing kills in pvp. Nice suggestion!

Hell yea, always wanted to pressure wash a bandit to death with water magic, voted


ready to spam this in combat with my terrible aim


So basically Energy Waves. Yes please. I’ve previously had an idea about this. I can share it if you don’t mind :slight_smile:

Suggestion accepted, have my vote

This was suggested like 3 time already and it consistently got downvoted/shitted on but this time people like the idea


I believe the word you’re looking for is a “laser”