i haven’t really thought of a name but i was thinking something like “bane of boreas” or something like that
it’s based off of the greek god of winter, and i don’t really have any background for why it’s like chains but i just want a chain spirit weapon so there’s a small need for a lore explanation but cool ice chains!!!
we need more spirit weapons and i think an ice weapon would be a pretty fire addition
we should be able to give this to our deckhands
Isn’t that just the chain warden oath?
yeah honestly i’m really behind storywise so i don’t know what’s been done already
no idea what any of these words are i just drew this after tracing an r15 model
Search it up
It’s from deepwoken and your model looks exacly like it

i can see what you mean but it’s not made of spirit energy whatsoever, it goes around the waist too, and is only on one hand
I would also include bladehaper but it’s not made of chains
my life would considerably improve if deepwoken stopped pulverising my meat by absorbing every fucking idea known to man bro
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But could I tried to adds something like this to a character I might create?
I’ll give you credit for the chains idea
i don’t care do what you want i have no copyright over this
i dunno in the lore isnt it something like chains binding your soul or something
yeah but deepwoken is mid
This is the greatest thing made by man even!
when people call deepwoken mid, I don’t think they’re talking about the art associated with it.