New Sunken Obtainment Method (Multi-Step)

New Sunken Obtainment Method (Multi-Step)
effort 4.727272727272728 22 quality 4.857142857142857 21 reasonability 4.541666666666667 24

sounds good to me

Fishing for sunken is literally the worst mechanic in the game. Anything to remedy that is good.

This is an excellent idea. I remember suggesting something similar a few months ago on balancecord(templates so that unused locations are used but this is quite different) and people hated it saying “just trade what you got if you dont get the item you want” yeah totally can trade my sunken iron armour for a warrior item. Amazing cooking i hope this gets recognized and not ignore cuz petty wanabe traders want money on AO.

This could help people who do not want to sit in one spot while having another tab play subway surfer until they snooze.

Could solve the sunken weapon problem by breaking them into maybe 3 or 4 parts like the hilt, crossguard, and blade that could be crafted to obtain fully by visiting a blacksmith.

It has been a decade. Countless luck parties. The year is 2034. I’m still fishing at Shell Island, the story is almost complete, and I have not obtained a sunken sword.

(I love this suggestion)

This would make it so much better. Sunken gear is so difficult to get for literally no reason. I did a 20min luck party with around 8 people and only 1 person got 1 sunken peice.

Also since they are nerfing luck parties Sunkens are going to be basically impossible to get.

I’ve absolutely hated how sunkens have been implemented ever since AA.

Fishing, of all things.
Diving spots I understand, that makes sense, but they still have no reason to be so rare.

I just cannot understand what on earth vetex was thinking when he decided all the way back in AA that fishing was surely the activity that the best equipment in the game should be locked behind.

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I’m pretty sure sunkens were never meant to be easily farmed, so vetex wouldn’t add this

theyd still be pretty rare, just not locked behind fishing
you would need to get a 1/60 blueprint, get 25 of a rare item, then spend 10k galleons to get one piece

Did you really read through this and think this process is easy to farm

its easy if you hunt rivals and do deep diving spots and sell all your galleon items 24/7

I think I replied to the wrong guy, and also that’s definitely not easy

  1. i didnt get a notification you just replied to the suggestion itself
  2. ironically it makes it better for traders cause they can mass produce them with more certainty

fishing is quite literally the easiest farming method ingame, opening chests takes more work

most boring*

Excellent suggestion. It will never be implemented

Its worse for traders because stop being obnoxiously and unreasonably rare for no reason.
(no more borderline pos-inf value in trade, yay!)

shut up now the traders are gonna downvote the suggestion

if you really wanna make the traders mad you can always bring back the halloween event with the exact same seasonals as the wom one

Everything else can be gotten from either looting or fighting, and then there is just sunken which for a while was locked behind only fishing