New Sunken Obtainment Method (Multi-Step)

New Sunken Obtainment Method (Multi-Step)
effort 4.727272727272728 22 quality 4.857142857142857 21 reasonability 4.541666666666667 24

I think that is a great idea, but sadly, will unlikely be added.
But the concept of forging gear is pretty cool and could be re-used in Arcanium weapons since those are going to be added, they could be obtainable this way.

Is this just Netherite from minecraft? Anyways I like this, I would enjoy this being the reality.

I dont even like archrono but icl when i see a good idea lol

archrono is your opp until he cooks a meal then you eat

Maybe make a new reagent that the blacksmith will need, from the Dark Sea. Like ‘Elixir of Fire’ (trash name) that will be needed during the smelting process of the SAI?

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Good game

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he says as if the marketplace will be added within the next decade

ik, it’s frustrating rn :man_facepalming:

the issue is is that sunken obtainment isnt bad because of time its bad because fishing is boring

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This is a good way of reducing the monotony of getting sunken gear, and making it much more accessible. I do have a few things to say however:

1: Technically, Arcanium and Fighting sets are the best in the game, due to the sole fact that they are more common, can be modified (with mods other than atlantean) and give a variety of stats. Of course, this only applies for magic/strength builds (and vitality builds get some neat gear too, but it isn’t as good).

2: What about sunken weapons (like the sunken sword)? They’re supposed to be rare because their exclusive skills make them VERY strong, so making them much more accessible is kind of flawed. Making them more common would be nice, but it shouldn’t be super significant.

3: I do agree that making diving spots better for getting sunkens is good, but to some degree they can be manipulated to make it super easy to do them (literally just 10 max Breathing agility jewels on Agile Theurgist gear + Cape of Ravenna Loyalty with a bit of Swim Speed jewels makes them super easy to farm, and sea charts are very common to find from chests, and can even be found from dive spot chests). This, in turn, would severely devalue sunken equipment, making it so that people will trade a single Powerful scroll for a sunken warrior set.

4: The template system is also easily farmable. Just by having a rival to get Treasure Charts, you can effectively DOUBLE the chance of you getting a template, and for the most part, dark sea runs are easy, so getting a template or two from one dark sea run wouldn’t be too uncommon.

It is a good way to make all sunkens more accessible for players who hate fishing, but it would be VERY hard to balance.


sure the material obtaining time would be equal to the fishing obtain time but the difference is this suggestion divides obtaining sunken items into goals that feel TANGIBLE, as opposed to fishing for the ridiculous 3000 fish pity while hoping RNGesus gets you one before that. same logic as to why it’s recommended you split up your studying/work into chunks versus to doing it all at once - it makes it feel doable and less of a chore

not to mention fishing is OBJECTIVELY a brainless activity and subjectively boring as hell, all you’re doing is listening and clicking. genuinely feels like I’m wasting my time when fishing even though I’m alt tabbed most of the time :sob:


ah yes because instead of doing a process which feels rewarding every step to the way i’d rather fish for 50 hours and pray to rngesus that i get a sunken :slight_smile:

Will you be able to craft other kinds of armor using the Arcanium Armor/Warrior Templates?

I would change the templates to some kind of irradiated and rusted donor item and swap the obtainment methods of it and the ingots. Reason being that it would feel much more like the weapon/armor itself is a sunken treasure and not just something you made which never really “sank”. It would overall feel much more special to take an item with unique potential from under the sea and go beyond its former glory using sunken arcanium rather than just being fabricated in a more typical fashion.

Less fishing = good

I completely agree, fishing in this game is awful.

Correction: Fishing isn’t awful, being asked to fish for a 1/godknowshowbigthenumberisatthispointtogetaspecificsunken item sucks.

1/2000 x 8 = 1/16000 to get the specific item you want

i love fishing a total of 16000 times to get my cool blue sword :grin:

Arcane odyssey’s “replayability” in a nutshell

yeah until clan building, kingdom alignment, legendary ships, and allat come out (in 93 years)