New Years Resolutions for 2022?

Title says all

Work on improving my diet. Stopped eating chocolate, currently trying to abstain from sugar heavy foods. Next goal is to remove foods with very high amounts of salt in them. This is less of a new years resolution and more of a goal I just had in mind that happened to occur during this time.

Can’t think of anything else I’d want to do differently. :nod:

  • forgive myself, and continue the journey to unfuck myself
  • write more
  • practice making more detailed backgrounds/get better at drawing locations (I didnt do as much background as I wanted this year, plus this was 2021’s resolution but more specific lol)

No life ao like a mad man

  1. Stop Procrastinating

You’re off to a bad start if you didn’t even finish the other two :sleeper:

No more procrastinating, by virtue of removing all distractions.

Already got rid of the YouTube app on my phone since I could easily watch it for hours a day, and then feel bad because I hadn’t done anything productive and then not do anything again because I was busy being disappointed and then watch more meaningless videos. The plan is to eliminate the cause whenever there is a vicious cycle like that, and so far so good.

my new years resolution is to go insane


We on the forum can help you achieve that goal with ease!

1 Like
  1. stop procrasinating
  2. idk ill think of something later