Ngl, at this point the bteam fried their shared neuron

well i cant argue that atk speed doesnt increase ur atk speed, i think that clear, but i will argue that positioning is still very important, ignoring mages (since they are bugged), a high atk speed investment req a build specific made for it, so u cant run any other substats, or atleast to be enough to affect u

i would argue that while ya some stuff become a bit easier, isnt so easy to the point where u can beat top pvpers as it still req good aim and good prediction, while endlag is still enough to punish people

any projectile will leave u vulnable if u miss it, not only endlag but also startup, usually people are close to each other, as for warrior top moves, except triasta they all have the dmg after the visuals, and like triasta most of them put u somewhat close so u can still be punished/

i would also argue that there are 4 stats that are worth, atk, power, atk speed and size, maybe if ur generous, 5 to also add agility, u can pair atk speed with other substats if u have like 100-200 atk speed, so the question is, does the other substats make atk speed to look too broken

honestly, this isnt rlly a point against or for, for any substat, when i played on a laptop that couldnt even reach 30 fps with quality level 1 i could had say everything was op, this just doesnt work, i can prob make a better argument, but im a bit in a hurry

At this point I might as well consider investing my stocks in just Power, Defense, and maybe one of the new substats that hopefully aren’t going to be nerfed.

Power defence :muscle:

Power defense :fire:

I normally dont care about balance changes! But… Attack Speed has been supernerfed so much that it effects me in PVE. I use crystal, and attack speed was nice for a while… Until about a week ago, I conducted some tests…

Why does 150 attack speed do bareelllyyy anything to crystal!

I now have 200+ size!

Next update: attack speed is trash billions must switch to intensity

We can only hope so!

sorry but the balance team is right with this, attack speed actually lowers the skill so much, you can barely be punished inbetween attacks. its required to even play pvp

Attack size is skillful is wild. Balance team has clearly not seen what atk size can do

We’re returning to the AA meta with this one

already have

So true man, me hitting someone with a Sailor’s Lodge sized explosion involved a whole lot of skill lmao

Holy shit, this is a based asf take

It is worth noting that Vetex also never shares the formulas for anything stat related, before we go on a massive tangent here.
They’re attempting to figure out the formulas themselves - sometimes finding out they’re wrong.
Hell, it took until like YESTERDAY for them to figure out that attack speed doesn’t fucking work on weapons at all.

So, ironically enough, the attack speed nerf is likely coming from the insane fucking guesses to try and figure out how the hell the formula works.

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the disconnect between vetex and the balance team is so crazy, like in the balance doc theyre literally begging vetex to join the balance server because there is barely any communication

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excuse me what the fuck?

The balance team should go on strike fr

On my balance team forgiveness arc now

Yeeeaaah. Some screenshots of them starting to figure this shit out and what is happening:

I can’t post the 0 vs 300 atkspd. video since it’s .mov (bruh (it shows the REVERSE SCALING)) but here’s another video + context


yep, hardly affects most weapons, and while speed imbues such as light and lightning work, others such as thermo add 0 speed whatsoever.

a stat that does nothing on certain builds is getting nerfed smh