Ngl, at this point the bteam fried their shared neuron

To be clear, the inverse scaling is with some weapon speed affinities interacting with enchants or imbue affinities. Attack speed works properly for the most part on weapons.

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I’m confused. You’re telling me that that desmos thing was just an approximation of the hidden internals?

We know the speed formulas as they work in-game; it’s just that the efficiency doesn’t work at the intended efficiency for some abilities, for reasons I cannot explain (due to simply having no idea why).


i’ve been saying remove size for timeee :pray:

Vetex should just throw out balance and double down on the insanity. Sea one and already nuke half the map? Why not?!?


Size is just inherently going to be easier to use than attack speed for less skilled/high ping/low frame rate players, while attack speed is pretty op for skilled, low ping good device players.

If anything, its made you even more likely to get jumped than before.

best way to fix this is to not fix this. make everything busted, or everything garbage.

i read this as i was loading into AO, i got attacked as soon as my sheild dropped
Otherwise tho, i rarely get jumped, i mostly die bc of flinging whenever i join a bronze sea server


“If everything is all-powerful, nothing is.”