Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Well no, that doesn’t mean thaf inherently. Just because the frigate would require level 180 to buy doesn’t meant it won’t be added when the level cap is higher.

If that were the case the Brigs level should have been 5 higher than it is

Im currnetly making “word-to-word” QNA, and i saw this, but noone seems to be talking about this. So here you go, a gif

Magic cannon fist

why doesn’t the torso move ;-;
it looks so unimpactful

it’s an m1 and a tiny blast

it would be so cool if magic imbued m1’s from swords shot out a slash shape blast
or a magic imbued fighting style m1 shooting out a shorter ranged blast which travels a bit faster

Seems rather unnecessary to add something like that, m1’s just serve as a way for early-game players to fight back without having to spam the same 1st skill over and over again

true, but it’d make m1s a bit more usable and interesting later in the game as well, instead of just early game
right now they’re basically useless unless you’re using a bow or gun

can still make the torso move and make it feel a lot better. it’s a small thing but that’s what we love about AO

My machine gun loadout is ready…

I’ll turn AO into a bullet hell game

kinda the point. m1 is not a thing that’s really thought to be used in the combat system. it just has to be there cuz of early game. or maybe those very few rare pve moments where you got no magic and the enemy is almost dead.

As jeffy stated m1’s are meant to eventually fall out of usage. Doesn’t really help that players and npcs seem to become progressively more mobile as more content is released

wouldn’t it just make ranged m1’s more important if the enemies are more mobile, since then you’d be able to keep up with their movement more reliably

imma be honest, you could have ranged m1’s, but those are still m1’s, they lock you into position, drain stamina if you’re in the air, and do very little damage.

you’d just be dumb af if you used them

not really, you can still move around while using an m1, but it’s just a bit slower. In the air, you can use a dodge reflex right after to quickly dodge attacks as well
ranged m1’s are more of an attack that’s good at keeping the constant damage up without having to commit to larger attacks which can be punished more easily

the fact that they have low damage isn’t really too important, since they can still trigger synergies/apply effects
the fact that wind is so good isn’t because it has high damage, it’s because it knocks people around with its special effect
crystal generally isn’t too great because you have to hit someone 3 times and then once more to get a huge damage boost, which isn’t too reliable since it’s a relatively slow magic
imbuing these magics in a sword and then giving said sword a projectile attack, would be great for both of these magics, since it’d allow both to constantly be able to make use their special effects without having to wait for cooldowns or switch to a different weapon or the magic tool, and it wouldn’t be too overpowered since m1’s do little damage

but since this isn’t really too important, I’m just going to stop this here ig.

Seems like i cant post my qna transcription :frowning:image

you could paste it in a google doc and then post a link to it here

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32000 characters? that’s roughly 21 discord messages of lenght.
Didn’t knew topics could handle this much.

Spent like 5 hours on this for some reason :sob:

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I think we are all overlooking the ability to join the publishers of the Agora (Juraserva) in later updates. (Who knows when) Maybe this will be a “neutral rep” clan?