Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Light surge making you not be able to see
(Yes this could work since I just triple guns on my main but light surge will make me blind asf)

don’t forget snow surge and sand surge


The 50% damage resist surge

Mage meta squared

all these new stats would make build so much more diverse
I’d like to see a stat which increases the effectiveness of charging attacks, so that would become more viable (along with the resistance stat)

wtf airstall stat why

yes, but it’s only actually effective if you hold down your attack
so it wouldn’t be too difficult to hit them unless they’re really high up

In my greatest opinion, vet should just keep adding random stats, not just to annoy the balance team and the guy who makes the build creator, but just because it’ll be funny.


Starting to feel like there’s too many stats now
Ontop of the main 7 or 6 we know about
We had Insanity and Warding added, which we knew of ages ago and it fitted well
But now we also have Armour Piercing and Resistance
I get the idea of being able to choose whatever load out you want but, this is just a bit much. + some armours are practically useless when put against others
Ig Atlantean is a good solution for this

I like how there’s more stats to choose from
it gives certain builds a bit more options compared to what they got before, since their base stats basically only allowed certain stat builds (like poison only really works with high power and size, or thermofist only really works with speed and power)
besides, this allows people to play more with their preferred playstyle without getting instantly destroyed (charging up attacks will give your opponent like 3 free hits while only giving you like 20% more damage or something) (armour pierce is useful for magics that rely more heavily on DoT, like plasma or poison) (but both cancel eachother out as well)

That doesn’t matter, I’m sorry but if you get hit alot while having more than 400 agility you just don’t know how to move unpredictably and/or correctly. You can just dodge everything and regen.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. "-Socrates
Yeah sure buddy, if you want we can go ask some of the top pvpers, the actual good ones and ask them if they think 1500 defence or 450 agility is more oppressive.

Well obviously if you’re fighting an idiot you can always beat me in almost any scenario, but if you take two people of perfectly equal skill, that know what their doing, one has 250 Attack Speed and the other more size and power, the Attack Speed one will win, same story with Agility if you go to really high amounts.

This just proves you didn’t read what I said at all, low agility is actually barely a problem, if you have under 150, you might have an advantage but it’s perfectly manageable, the real issue precisely comes from builds like yours, running insanely high amounts of agility. Attack Speed is stronger even, but you need other stats with Attack Speed to be viable, like some Agility, while Agility needs no other stat.

If you look at some skilled players running mage with some agility, you’ll see their movement looks way different from other people, they chose their moment to touche the ground, to jump, to dash and etc. Instead of just moving around mindlessly like you probably do.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight… see, unless you’re using 400 attack speed light mage, if you’re fighting someone with 450 agility they’ll never be close enough for you to hit them in time if they use a decently low endlag move, reaction time also exists, and the agility user has the advantage on that since they can spam and attack anytime with no risk while the person with less agility is forced to play defensive and try react. (that’s assuming the agility user knows what they’re doing somewhat).

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…? I don’t blame them for anything, I’m just saying it’s not because that use it for the meta that it isn’t overwhelmingly meta and broken.

There’s apparently gonna be more

The level cap might be 160 next update and warden is still a few updates away according to the 2024 roadmap

Will the update come out on 26th this month? (1 month anniversary type shi)

Hmm, with the current pace, I dont think so. Optimistically speaking, probs mid-March.

just dm them already

told em to dm me, they didn’t want to, maybe they wanted to try make drama idk, not my problem