Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

While I do get where you are coming from, armor piercing is situational at best. We also do not know the specifics on how much damage one takes from spirit weapons only that it does occur and I will say this again, we don’t know what benefits we will get from the warden awakening I believe its been stated before that all “10% damage reduction” awakenings are placeholders. For all we know the energy bar could be replaced with a soul bar or whatnot. (since its useless as warden) That’s the thing ONLY VETEX KNOWS. Also I didn’t mean to come across as if it only affects vitality builds but idk I doubt this stat will be frequently used or even game changing enough to be warranted.

we have a new stat to get mad at guys!


Max resistence surge.

no more, no less.

Now all we need is an attack that has a really long cast time that does huge damage, then using max resistance to act like a boss doing a final attack.

this is too many stats to keep track of :sob:

blast getting smaller when you have multiple is getting removed, so we could have a 20 ult art just like that one barrage move that calvus does.

armour piercing:


well, this works too i guess?

i don’t think that works, it doesn’t directly add more defense

lettuce, do you not remember the second part of armour piercing where it reduces damage reduction

(i don’t even know how this can be a complete sentence it’s just one letter)

(but seriously if you’re spending that long casting then your target can duck for cover or prepare to block/parry/dodge

I guess vetex went nuts this update, creating 10 new stats for us

my stat idea was added yippee

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@Mimhere, since you’re here, mind telling us what’s your take on armor piercing?

Intensity rework when? It is far more needed than 10 new stats

idk I haven’t tried it out yet

Surge with resistance and armor piercing is going to be mental

Idk if surge needs damage reduction anymore with this new stat but we’ll see

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Back reflex + Piercing shot + Musket M1 + Dual pistols M1

Make him regret using surge

Just thinking about it since surge iirc requires you to hold down something