Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Why are you guys lagging at Othrys? I lag more in Ravenna than near Othrys
Also I just realized that treasure charts are going to be an absolute hell to do

Bro you are 11 hours late with this thought

Not the charts :sob:

My goal on Nimbus Sea explorer is gonna be hell compared to Bronze Sea explorer.

I was busy sleeping

And I was not. Evil never sleeps

When you’re a semi-god with a super ego using weapons that damage yourself yeah you seem, indeed, pretty evilish

thankful i got my new pc in time for Sameria this place does look like it’ll be laggy
I pray for you lower ends :pray:


My PC isn’t low end and I lag (a bit) at Ravenna. Mostly when I launch the game though, but Sameria is probably gonna kill some CPUs

POV: you don’t the english for “demi-dieu”

Im nowhere “semi-god”, Im far above this

That’s what I wanted to say

If roblox games can remove shadows and textures, Vetex probably can do that to make the game more bearable.

If Roblox could update their engine so it actually uses the GPU, that could make the game more bearable

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not happening anytime soon, they are mainly attracting investors with hot garbage changes.

same here, Ravenna dips some fps quite a bit

Samaria Treasure Chart Completion: 0/12

Knowing Vetex, i assume it’s a grueling 6-10 treasure chart requirement for Sameria.

I don’t think sameria treasure charts are going to be too bad
it’s a large island which means that there will be fewer long parts overlapping which throw off the direction
also marking shovels, my beloved

also, since the island is so big, maybe the island is separated into different smaller areas with their own treasure charts